Milestone Alpaca Farm

Milestone Alpaca Farm milestone alpaca farm provides you with healthy baby and adult alpacas at good prices .Shipping and delivery guaranteed worldwide.inbox if interested.

Contact us now to buy your Alpacas. Contact Email :  milestonealpacas@gmail.comContact Email :  milestonealpacas@gmail.c...

Contact us now to buy your Alpacas.
Contact Email : [email protected]
Contact Email : [email protected]
whatsapp +1(443)2672463...
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Contact us now to buy your Alpacas. Contact Email :  milestonealpacas@gmail.comContact Email :  milestonealpacas@gmail.c...

Contact us now to buy your Alpacas.
Contact Email : [email protected]
Contact Email : [email protected]
whatsapp +1(443)2672463...
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Decades before 'natural horsemanship' and 'horse whispering' became big business, Ray Hunt was out there in an old pickup with a two-horse trailer, hoping to make enough gas money to get him to the next fairgrounds.
"I didn't see any commercial value in it", says Ray. "If I had, I probably wouldn't have done it".

The horse world didn't exactly welcome him.
"I was working with the mind", Ray explains.
"A lot of people didn't want to believe the horse had a mind.
'Get a bigger bit'. 'Get a bigger stick'. That was their approach'".

Spectators watched as untouched colts were saddled and ridden for the first time with hardly a buck.
In a matter of a few days the young horses were ready to go on the payroll, meaning they had enough faith in their riders and had learned enough of the rudiments to be useful on a ranch.

In this atmosphere of trust and understanding, with no hobbles or snubbing posts, no external devices, except for the now widely imitated orange flag, it was hard to see what Ray was doing to get such extraordinary results.
Accused of using ringers, drugging horses, even hypnotizing them, Ray laughed it off and kept going.
"I was there for the horse. People were way down the list."

On a recent visit to the Hunt's North Texas ranch, Pat and Linda Parelli stop by and the conversation soon shifts to something else that seems to have been on Ray's mind most of the day.
Can you be in it for the money as well as for the horse?
Pat tries to convince Ray you can. Pat doesn't succeed.
With Ray Hunt the horse comes first and anything that threatens the horse's status will always be a moral dilemma for him.

Excerpt from an article titled 'For The Horse' written by Patti Hudson which appeared in the 'Eastern Oregon Equine Magazine'.
Image of Ray is by Eric Sines and is from the same article.

Contact us now to buy your Alpacas. Contact Email :  milestonealpacas@gmail.comContact Email :  milestonealpacas@gmail.c...

Contact us now to buy your Alpacas.
Contact Email : [email protected]
Contact Email : [email protected]
whatsapp +1(443)2672463...
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for sale in harju County
for sale in tartu County

Contact us now to buy your Alpacas. Contact Email :  milestonealpacas@gmail.comContact Email :  milestonealpacas@gmail.c...

Contact us now to buy your Alpacas.
Contact Email : [email protected]
Contact Email : [email protected]
whatsapp +1(443)2672463...
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, , , , , , ,

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in central Denmark region
for sale in North Denmark region
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for sale in Vilnius County
in kaunas County
for sale in panevezys County
for sale in parnu County
for sale in harju County
for sale
for sale in bavaria
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for sale in Vermont
for sale in North Carolina
for sale in Oregon
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for sale in chuy province
for sale in central Denmark region
for sale in North Denmark region
for sale in capital region of Denmark
for sale in Vilnius County
for sale in kaunas County
for sale in panevezys County
for sale in parnu County
for sale in harju County
for sale in tartu County


Seattle, WA





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