Smokey Bear would of hated to see this day to happen (he hated being groomed hahah) but he was my reason for getting into dog grooming! And why I believe grooming should be a low stress environment for the dogs. Grooming dogs is more then about taking the hair off of them or dressing them up in pretty bows ❤️. You form a bond with the dog each time that dog comes into your shop. They learn how you groom they trust you more and more. And each time they steal a small little piece of your heart when they go home with there parents. You learn everything the dog hates and together you find away to over come there anxiety and fears. It’s definitely hard on the dogs when you don’t stick to one groomer. They won’t ever know what to expect. Someone thought it was werid that I knew all my old clients names and what they loved and all of it. But I loved them so dearly! They where my lovelies ❤️ milo the aussie who had a tail he didn’t trust anyone but me to blow dry him, he would immediately freak out but as soon as I came in and did it every time he was completely fine and ready to get groomed ❤️ Charlie the doodle was always there when I needed his hugs and soft leaning into. Raven smiles like my dog Odis but hates her hair getting pulled on so we would go gently and softly. Boots the gray doodle. He was severely matted all over and it seemed like he haven’t ever gotten groomed before. But we worked through it and he turned into a lady slayer. And chip came to me as a puppy! HATED being groomed but we got to a point where he would be falling asleep while I groomed him.. and so many more.. Well I’m turning a chapter in my life. I had to say goodbye 👋. And here we all are at pixie cuts grooming ❤️ Smokey would of loved to see me now.