Ned's heartworm treatment story

Ned's heartworm treatment story Hi! My name is Ned 'Bama, (because I am originally from Alabama). I am a foster dog that was saved b

Day  #6, it's official.  Blood work proved positive despite our hard prayers against heartworm.  My Mom has some harsh w...

Day #6, it's official. Blood work proved positive despite our hard prayers against heartworm. My Mom has some harsh words against the vet clinic "responsible" for my cares, but she will save that story until it's "history". I was supposed to start my 28 day course of doxycycline (an antibiotic) but the local pharmacy wanted just shy of $500 for it
(because the vet was 45 min away an was closed by the time we could get it from them. My Mom says she will talk to them tomorrow and figure out what is going on with me) but she is not happy. She wants the best possible treatment and outcome for me (and all other dogs) and i know that won't happen until all truths have been told.

Day  #5My mom waited all day for the vet to call (like they promised they would), but as a luck would have it, they neve...

Day #5
My mom waited all day for the vet to call (like they promised they would), but as a luck would have it, they never called. So unfortunately no updates today, but that means I got to live one more day as an "unofficial heartworm dog". Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I got a pup-cup from Dairy Queen today, man, that was amazeballs!


Day #4 My first visit to WellHaven

Today was not a great day. It started with my mom putting on my "out of the house collar" so I knew something different was going on. I was so excited to go for a car ride until I realized it was just me going, not Charlie...Charlie wasn't very happy either. My Mom tried to make it easier on me by giving me treats and such but I wasn't having any of that-I don't like car rides alone.

We arrived to WellHaven at 0930, there was an accident on the road we took so it seemed like forever until we got there; my Mom even tried calling multiple people to talk to (I think she was really nervous, so wanted something to take her mind off of me), but nobody answered. Once we finally got there, it took another 20 minutes for the people to come out to get me-this made my Mom extra anxious because she had her own patients to take care of as well. Things seemed a bit unorganized from the start, the lady who came out to get me said "I see he is here as a "drop off" (for the day), but we are just going to get blood, so it won't take long if you want to wait" (See above, my Mom had patients to see of her own and was told I was going to be here all day for blood work, x-rays and possible ultrasounds); hence the disorganization I mentioned above. So my Mom left me with these nice people and drove off; I am pretty sure I saw tears running down her face.
About 12:00pm I heard the phone ring and it was my Mom checking to see if I was ready to be picked up yet-you see, nobody called and told her I was done a long time ago, ugh! Long story short, my Mom showed up to pick me up and I heard the lady at the desk tell her "ok, we will call you with the results in 1-2 weeks". I could hear and see my Mom's "red flag" pop up and say to the lady "1-2 weeks? This test is typically resulted the next day, two days at most!". Well, this wasn't going anywhere good and a different lady got on the phone and took over-she also said the same thing-that was until my Mom (Gotta love her!) said "I've called four vets around the area and every one of them said the test results only take one day to return, why are you telling me 1-2 weeks?" Oh man-sit down for this...then the lady said; back-peddling "Well, our Vet is going to be out of town for a wedding and there aren't any Vets here that will be checking her e-mails while she is gone! ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME!!!!! (That was my Mom typing, not me!). Here is where s**t hit the fan (my Mom's not mine!). I will spare you the details but LONG story short-this nice lady who brought me out to my Mom's car said she got permission from the Dr. to look up my results and talk to my Mom TOMORROW (because they KNEW my test results would be in then...NOT 1-2 weeks like they tried to make my Mom believe!) But you see, my Mom is also in the medical field and understands how important it is that results are communicated with the family a quickly as possible. My Mom continued to tell the lady that "this isn't starting out of the best of terms, I am trusting you guys with Ned's life and you are lying to me from day one..." I will spare you the rest of the conversation but it went on for some time and that lady became super nice to my Mom.
So until now, we still do not know anymore than we did Saturday, we continue to wait until the blood results come in. If my blood work is positive for microfilaria then I will start an antibiotic and steroids for the next 30 days, if it is negative (which would be amazing and prayers answered!!!) then I am considered heartworm negative and get tested again in 6 months to see if anything has changed (apparently this is a possibility since I have been on heartworm preventitive medications almost the entire time I have lived here (I might have skipped a few doses in January/February, (to safe a few bucks), but I can bet you that will NEVER happen again! I will always take my heartworm medications every month...public service announcement coming soon!)
So keep me in your thoughts and prayers, hopefully tomorrow will bring answers-one way or another-so the waiting game can finally be over!
Total heartworm treatment cost: $233.42
Today's appointment: $109.42


Day #3
There seems to be a lot of anxiety around the house today, especially with my Mom-she is kind of craby and on edge-even more than normal for a Monday :). She has been getting a lot of phone calls from people and she keeps telling the same story over and over and over...I over heard her say there might be a third treatment option-something about "doxy-moxy" or close to that, but she has decided to just see how the next few days go- and wait for all the test results to come in (she is still hoping all of this is just one bad dream). I on the other hand love all the extra hugs, kisses and dog treats; she even let me lick the gravy off her plate after dinner! So tonight, I go to bed like a "normal" dog-I am not sure what tomorrow brings, but I know that I am very strong, tough and incredibly loved; and whatever tomorrow brings, we will face it with strength and courage!
Heartworm cost to date: $114

Day  #2Nothing is different today. My Mom and Dad have decided to let me live as I did yesterday (before the whole posit...

Day #2
Nothing is different today. My Mom and Dad have decided to let me live as I did yesterday (before the whole positive heartworm thing). I heard them talk about keeping me on a leash and not letting me run and play, but since we don't have all the definitive answers yet, they are going to treat today like every other day until we can't. I sure do love all the extra treats and cuddles, I feel like I am a celebrity or something! Two days until my "official first heartworm appointment". Unfortunately she has to drop me off for the day since they need to do a lot of tests (blood work, x-rays, maybe an ultrasound of my heart), but don't worry, I will be brave ( I have too), but I need my Mom to be even braver; I think this day is going to be harder on her than it will be for me!

Me and my sister Charlie. We do everything together (except get heartworm of course!).

Heartworm cost to date: $114

Day  #1 Today I had my first positive heartworm test. I'm not sure what this all means yet, but my Mom has been crying a...

Day #1
Today I had my first positive heartworm test. I'm not sure what this all means yet, but my Mom has been crying all day, talking on the phone with multiple vets (trying to get me seen, but apparently nobody is taking "new clients", so she is getting really upset) and spending a lot of time on the computer looking up research and such. I don't feel any different than I did prior to this test, but I can tell something isn't right. My Mom was taking pictures with me and giving me more (than usual) treats and cuddles. I did manage to sneak into a spot at WellHaven, a place I have been before a long time ago when I first came to Minnesota. They see a lot of my Warrior dog friends and have treated (unfortunately) a lot of heartworm dogs like me which makes my family feel a lot more comfortable. Gosh, three days seems line an eternity right now!
Heartworm cost to date: $114


Hi, I'm Ned 'Bama (I am originally from Alabama, so hence my middle name "Bama"). I was saved by a local MN rescue called Warrior Dog Rescue in March of 2020. I hear I am "Covid dog" whatever that means. I was fostered by the Johnson family in Shakopee MN (I was their first foster), and well, I liked it there so much that I just never left! I hear they "foster failed", but I am SO happy they did, that I don't even care what that means. I have been here since March of 2020 and man, what a life! I have a doggie sister named Charlie, and well, without her I would be lost. You see, I came here as a very shy and timid pup. I was very scared and wasn't sure how to be a dog. Fast forward 18 months and I still very timid most of the time. I rely on Charlie to feel safe and do all the things dogs are supposed to do, but it is hard for me to forget all the bad things that I don't want to talk about from my past. Well, let's get on with it and the reason for my page. Because I am/was a "Covid dog", it has been very hard for my Mom and Dad to get me into the vet-one; I am not the only "Covid dog" adopted in the last 18 months so everyone is trying to get to seen by these pet doctors; and two; I have been shut down and the thought of taking me to a scary place without my Charlie has me all balled up and scared. I know this is not an excuse, but it is my story and I'm sticking to it.
Fast forward 18 months to yesterday (Saturday 9/25/2021), when I was finally able to build up the courage to have my first exam. These great people from "Doggie Do's" hosted a "walk-in" clinic where dogs like me could get our check up, shots (ouch, I didn't like those but they are necessary to keep me healthy, so it had to be done! Don't worry, they tried to feed me lots of treats and give me love, but you see, I am not that kind of dog), and blood tested called 4DX for all types of things that you don't want; heartworm, lyme, Ehrlichi s canis, Ehrlichia ewingi, Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Anaplasma platys (yea, I know, told you!). Well, unfortunately, despite monthly preventive heartworm treatment, my heartworm test was positive.
So this is where my journey starts (again). I hope you follow along and encourage me and my family (adult and canine) throughout my course of treatment. We are going to need all the love and support I can get.


Shakopee, MN



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