We got a LOT of snow the last 2 days! I let the part of the herd that could handle it out to play this afternoon and they have been having a blast…. SNOW DAY!!!! 😁😁
(Also- stay tuned to meet a new 1DR intake that I’ve been meaning to post about for days, but I’ve been BUSY with all the winter storm prep and survival! 😂)
Hello everyone! Just a quick update on our guy Cheetos! You may remember just a few short months ago we were contacted about a dumped doodle mix not far from our facility…. and that is where we found Cheetos! He had a massive makeover and we started on his rehab…. Well, it’s safe to say Cheetos is doing AMAZING! He has some pretty nasty stomach issues that we are still working on getting figured out and under control, but even with that he has been steadily gaining weight and is GROWING! His teeth initially showed that he was likely an adult, however it turns out that his teeth lied to us due to his lack of nutrition, and he is just a young pup! He’s gotten so much taller already and definitely still fits his #SnakeDog image. He’s such a goofy silly guy…. And he’s got springs in his feet! 😂
He still has a ways to go as we are still trying to sort out the stomach issues that he’s had ongoing, but he’s so happy now and is really coming out of his shell every day. 💜
Had a really awful thing happen…. Could really use your help… see main post for more info.. 💔
We had a really awful thing happen last night… someone came onto the property and dumped 4 dogs into our goat and sheep pen. I recorded a video last night but decided to wait till today to post so I could add more and give details and explain what happened. (it’s easier than typing it all out.) It is a little bit long and I’m sorry for that… But, Please watch, and please share because we need a lot of help right now.... we have injured goats, 3 new dogs, and are going to have to put in a lot more security out here after this. 😔💔
If you’re able to donate to help us with our goats medical bills from their injuries, help with the vetting and care of the 3 dogs we now have, or to help with getting us a driveway alarm/electric gate/security cameras we would really appreciate it more than you know…. Tax deductive donations can be made in one of the following ways…
💜here on Facebook
💜Venmo: @onedayranch
💜Cashapp: $1dayranch
💜PayPal: (they do take fees though!) PayPal.me/1dayranchrescue
💜Applepay: 405-226-1946
Thanks to the AMAZING generosity of a couple of our fabulous supporters, we were able to get Rootie the awesome water tank before this past weekend/weeks ice storm! Once she figured it out, RootRoot was a BIG fan! 😍😁 It was a game changer for us *and* for our big piggy princess! This thing is genius, and we definitely are going to try to get more for our other pig pens in the future. It’s a nasty muddy mess out here right now, but we are very excited about it warming up a bit! Fingers crossed it stays that way for a little while 😆
Thanks to the AMAZING generosity of a couple of our fabulous supporters, we were able to get Rootie the awesome water tank before this past weekend/weeks ice storm! Once she figured it out, RootRoot was a BIG fan! 😍😁 It was a game changer for us *and* for our big piggy princess! This thing is genius, and we definitely are going to try to get more for our other pig pens in the future.
It’s a nasty muddy mess out here right now, but we are very excited about it warming up a bit! Fingers crossed it stays that way for a little while 😆