We will be getting pictures posted soon of what we have been working on!!! We have been so busy with chicks! Most of our lines come from pioneer poultry. I will notate where our lines are coming from. If there is nothing next to them they are from pioneer poultry. Outside hatchery means either Freedom ranger, Abendroth, or McMurry hatchery.
The breeds we will have available as we get further into things are:
Ameraucana (Opry Hill lines)
Black Australorp
Barred rock (outside hatchery) this breed we use for consumption eggs only
Easter Egger (rescue/ Shiptons) this breed we use for consumption eggs only
Black copper maran
Mystic onyx
Buff Orpington
Sliver laced red Wyandotte
Prairie Bluebell
Sapphire gem
Olive Egger (outside hatchery)
Chocolate Egger (outside hatchery)
California White (Shipton’s) used for consumption eggs only
Speckled Sussex
Cinnamon queens (rescue/ Shiptons) were gifted by a friend who got them at Shipton’s. Used for consumption eggs only.
Delaware (outside hatchery)
Barred rock (rescue/ outside hatchery)
I know I am missing a few lol.