🌟Looking for a way to break up your training from your day to day? Add some new tricks to your dogs day!
🌟Tricks are a great way for your pup to learn something new, use their brain (which will tire them out!), build confidence and have fun!
🐾If you’re a current Charlo client cleared for group class, we have some space in our tricks class on Sunday!
🐾What’s your favorite trick your dog knows?! Comment below!
Home Depot training crew/ Launch puppies Kona, Carmin, & Hazel!
🐾Here we are working on 3ds of dog training: distance, duration and distraction with the down. We start these principles of teaching with much lower distraction to start before pups are ready to take it out into a busy public setting. These 3 all started their program around the same time, which meant field trips together for distraction!
All of these dogs are under a year old and we are so proud of their progress🐾🎉❤️
We want to take our dog out- but where do we start?! It’s time to add in distractions but I don’t know how!!
We’ve got you! You’ve done the work and now you’re ready to up the distractions, push their training to that next level!
S T A R T with parking lots! Empty parking lots or parking garages. Walk them away from grass (too many smells) we want to start in a LOW distraction environment to build their engagement before we venture out. Once you’ve got that down and can keep their focus, move to a higher distraction parking lot, maybe walk around the outside of a shopping center.
Avoid large crowds until you’ve done the work to build up to that!! Comment WALK and we’ll send you our free guide for building engagement!
- #DogTraining
- #LeashTraining
- #PuppyTraining
- #ObedienceTraining
- #PositiveReinforcement
- #DogBehavior
- #CanineTraining
- #TrainYourDog
- #DogTrainer
Place party! 🎉
Coexistence: the less common but very valuable piece of dog socialization!
🐾Having your dog understand how to be neutral, focused on you, relax, and coexist into the environment is a very important part of socializing around people or dogs.
🐾Lucy for example, is a very outgoing friendly pup, who wants nothing more to engage with all the dogs around her! Part of this exercise here is creating more neutral, coexistence work around dogs, while still being a positive experience.
🌟Your pup can still be friendly and outgoing towards dogs, but that shouldn’t mean they go pulling towards every dog they see to play…. Not every dog wants to back, or will want to!! Every dog is different.
🐾 We typically start this work with place, then we translate to heel work, recall and all other types of training!
💫 The biggest mistake I see when teaching the “place” command……
People jump to far ahead too quickly!! If your dog is struggling you HAVE to meet them where they’re at. You have to break it down even smaller. You may only be able to move your foot back in the beginning. This may even cause the dog to break it if they are super active.
We use LOTS of treats and praise in the beginning. Teaching them staying on a place gets them amazing things! This really builds a lot of value to the place. Once we’ve build a little bit of distance you can shoot for having them stay longer, which is duration.
Expect only 1-2 minutes or even 30 seconds in the beginning. This can be super challenging for dogs!
Our 2 week launch dogs by the time they go home can generally last up to an hour with other dogs in the room as a distraction.
Distraction is the last thing to add in, start with just dropping keys or something and then add higher distractions as they get better!
How long will your dog hold a place?! Need more help? Comment Place and we’ll send you info for how to get started!
- #DogTraining
- #LeashTraining
- #PuppyTraining
- #ObedienceTraining
- #PositiveReinforcement
- #placecommand
- #DogBehavior
- #CanineTraining
- #TrainYourDog
- #DogTrainer
💫If you want your dog to pay attention to you, you have to stop this……
Walking your dog in a free 100% of the walk! This teaches your dog to only engage with the environment and not pay attention to you at all.
Our #1 frustration from clients is their dog doesn’t pay attention to them AT ALL outside! As soon as they step out the door their dog no longer cares if they exist! They pull to everything and are in their own walk without you!
You have to build engagement and this takes TIME and WORK! This doesn’t happen over night- but teaching your dog to engage with you and teaching them YOU trump everything else will GREATLY improve your walks!
Comment WALK and we’ll send you ways to get started with this!!
- #LeashTraining
- #PuppyTraining
- #ObedienceTraining
- #PositiveReinforcement
- #walkingdog
- #DogBehavior
- #CanineTraining
- #TrainYourDog
- #DogTrainer