Rodeo/barrel racing moms of small children. I am fighting an internal battle right now.
When your kids horse isn’t doing all the things perfectly, especially the things that your small
Child doesn’t know how to do properly 100% correctly. How do you handle this? Do you hold your “kids horses” to a higher standard? Or where do you draw the line?
I feel like I let Tacman and Roxy get away with s**t imperfectly all the time m, because it’s my responsibility and I pick my battles. But with Barbie, being the “kids horse” I am holding her to a higher standard and expecting her to do the things perfectly the first time so that she trains the kids the correct way to do things.
Am I wrong? Is this unfair to Barbie? Where/how do you draw the line!??!?!?
Penny is 5 and I feel like should have an automatic horse to teach her how to do it right. I know my parents put me on horses that would help me. So I am just struggling here.
Fellow/current/past rodeo moms please help a fellow mommy out set her kids up for success here!!