After this paragraph will be a loose description of how I teach loose leash walking.
In addition, going forward, I'm going to clear this page of everything not dog training related. I was wondering if it would get me more interaction, followers, or personal messages if I commented on other posts with my name. It really didn't. So back to the original plan. This is business, my other page for fun. (My name, FH).
How I teach loose leash walking:
1. Put your f***y pack on, fill it with turkey, cheese, kibble, other dog food, (so it's a treat), and/or your cup of gooey food to put on a spatula for short dogs.
2. If it's the first time, walk around your home inside to get the mechanics down. Leash off if you need.
3.Start treating at your pant seam on your left side with your left hand if you prefer. Your dog, your choice as to what side. Just don't cross your body. Feeding a dog with your right hand to your left side is a bad habit that will hurt you later if you go into dog sports. Choose either left side dog or right side dog. Left side dog means you feed with left hand.
4. The leash is simply a safety net. Do not use it to steer. If I see you yank, you owe me a dollar. Keep it loose and droopy, but not so loose you trip.
5. No p**p bag holder to sway in your dogs face. Hold your p**p bag in the leash handle hand. Best is to set up a designated poo area before the walk so you don't need to bring it with you, but that takes precise feeding schedules and discipline standing still and being quiet until they go.
6. Walk around your neighborhood without your dog to see where the dogs are who might rush the fence. Find out where the "invisible fences" are and try to avoid them. Case the neighborhood for rude silent joggers, silent bikers, kids flying by or falling out of trees. (Yes on a few occasions).
7. Landscaping crews, motorcycles? Busses? Construction? Trash days? When does the mail come? Any blind corners where you're suddenly in another dogs face? Can you use parked cars to hide from other dogs? (Or weird annoying overly touchy neighbors).
8. Print out my walking progress chart. Decide what info you will pay attention to. Examples are:
A. Noise triggers like motorcycles, trucks, or busses that you're counterconditioning and desensitizing to (cc/ds).
B. Other dogs
C. Joggers or bicyclists
D. Squirrels, birds, deer, horses, cows
E. People your dog doesn't feel comfortable with
F. That thai chi class in the park
G. Skate park
H. Trains, subways or airplanes
9. Plan the length of walk. I love 6 fifteen minute walks compared to three half hours walks. Especially if this dog is new to you.
10. Can you play fetch or tug before the walk? It takes some hyperactivity out.
11. Decide if you're ok with a standing pause before the door opens or if there's a control freak in your house, if you need to ask for a sit/ stay before the door opens. This can be hard with a full puppy bladder.
12. Human sit down, Lace your shoes, put on a go pro if it's a reactive dog, treat lure your dogs harness on. Clip the leash on. Stand up. Deep breath. Calmly walk to door. If dog is hyper, decide to either go sit down again or if they really need to go potty, give them a break and go quickly.
13. If it's not a potty emergency, do not open the door until you get a calm four on the floor standing pause. If you have taught "wait" hold up a finger and ask for "wait". Open the door, calmly go through immediately. You can build wait time later... Useful for icy stoops.
14. If it's a potty emergency, go to potty area. Stand still. Reward with kibble after and return to door to lock it. If it's not a potty emergency ask for a wait again as you calmly lock door. Treat. Go down steps. Treat for not bolting. Return to house if too hyper.
15. Hopefully it was a calm exit. Go back to potty area if it's poo time. Bag it. Go on your walk.
16. If dog was hyper and you had to go back inside to sit down, stand up and try again... Take notes of how many times you had to go back inside. Note your own mood. Are you anxious? Mad? Worried? Rushing to meet someone? Take two more deep breaths. All things take practice. It will get better.
Now, do what you did inside, but with cadence.
1-2-3 steps, feed. 1-2-3-4 feed, 1-2-3-4-5 feed. 1-2-3 feed. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 feed. Etc. Feed at pant seam.
Hold leash in hand opposite your dog. Dog side is food hand. Mix in some "hurry" (right turn, feed) and "slow" (left turn feed).
Keep walk short enough to return home with kibble and extras. If dog is short, use wooden spoon or spatula. Dip it in container in your f***y pack. Wet dog food, canned pumpkin, apples, popcorn, yogurt, Cheerios, green beans, PB, cream cheese. Whatever.
When not teaching loose leash walking, attach long leash to harness and keep it droopy. Stop when it's tight. Pretend it's a brake when it's tight.
Could you practice those u turns I showed you?
Try to just go a few houses, or a quarter mile if street is busy or half mile if quiet and return.
Take a seat and love on your dog, if they're snuggly. Remember the 3 second consent test.
Fill out the walking progress chart with as much or as little info as you feel like.
Now reward yourself.
Write me a note or text me with questions or brags.
Thank you.