So I was going to wait to make this post for a while. I think it’s time to announce.
Everyone should remember “Arrow” the dog abandoned, hit by a car, and left bleeding on the side of the road. In his memory we have set up a non profit. We are starting from scratch here. The missions of this rescue are to help the injured abandoned animals & fundraise for their care. Additionally I would like to provide help for those struggling with their current pets they are wanting to give up. Provide help, counseling, and advice to prevent pets from being dumped or surrendered to a shelter. To help keep them in their homes. Working with owners to get a solution. This rescue is going to take alot of time and help to get it going. If you are looking to get involved please message me. It may take me a bit of time to respond. We are starting at zero but I have full confidence and drive we will grow this rescue and do service for the community and these animals.
We have a full board of directors these people come from different backgrounds and bring alot of trust & diversity to our board. Board members consist of Deanna Mitchell Leach, April Bousquet, Constance Traum, Daniel Carlson, Amanda Lynn, Vicki Simon, SethSeth Allen. I can’t wait to kick this off & grow this in to something bigger. We will need plenty of support. ❤️