Friendly reminder to not make your dogs sick during the upcoming holidays! An inflamed pancreas can turn into a life-long issue and can even lead to death. The pancreas produces enzymes for digestion which are secreted into the small intestine. It also produces insulin to regulate blood sugar which is secreted into the blood stream. Pancreatitis (anything with "-itis" on the end means inflammation) leads to swelling of the pancreas and release of enzymes into the abdomen which damage all organs they contact causing pain and further inflammation. The largest cause of pancreatitis is a single high fat meal (getting all the leftovers or trim from meat OR stealing it). Dogs with high fat diets over time are predisposed, as are overweight dogs... and some dogs have pancreatic disease and no one knows why.
I'm not saying your dog can't have any celebratory treats, but make it smart. A bite or two of lean meat, some vegetables is fine. If you have guests, tell them not to feed your dog people food, or if they can't be trusted, put the dogs away during the meals. If your dog steals a lot of fatty food, making them vomit with a dose of hydrogen peroxide (1 TBSP for a 30 pound dog) can be beneficial. Controversial, yes, but I would do it in my healthy dog with a long muzzle. It's always best to consult with your veterinarian first; if they are unavailable VetTriage is a call-in service for veterinary advice that is available. Some breeds (with short muzzles) and dogs with certain medical conditions should NOT be made to vomit at home.
Don't kill your dog with kindness and enjoy the holidays! Cheers!