Slaughter 2 Success

Slaughter 2 Success S2S is a 501C3 rescue focused on equine welfare and saving horses from the slaughter pipeline.

Still trying to process that you’re not here 😔 We miss you so much big guy ❤️‍🩹 Thank you to everyone for all your kind ...

Still trying to process that you’re not here 😔 We miss you so much big guy ❤️‍🩹 Thank you to everyone for all your kind words about Dan, we don’t have the heart to reply to them all but we see them and appreciate you so much 🤍

Today is our last day with the best big boy 😞 We never expected this lone draft horse with a leg 3x its normal size from...

Today is our last day with the best big boy 😞 We never expected this lone draft horse with a leg 3x its normal size from lymphedema would ever change our lives this much. We know there’s supposed to be a beautiful tribute post to a horse on the day they cross the rainbow bridge, to be honest we don’t have enough happy to do that today. Today will be all for Dan, and we will be with him until his last breath just like we promised him 4 years ago 🤍

Update on the best big boy 🤍 We were able to get enough pain meds in him that he is reasonably happy, but his kidneys ar...

Update on the best big boy 🤍 We were able to get enough pain meds in him that he is reasonably happy, but his kidneys are failing and the pain meds are making that worse 😞 Dan appreciates all of your love and support over the last several years, you’ve all changed his life ❤️

It’s time to say goodbye. We would like to invite anyone to the farm that would like to come give a final goodbye to Dan...

It’s time to say goodbye. We would like to invite anyone to the farm that would like to come give a final goodbye to Dan.

Dan has been struggling with chronic progressive lymphedema since we rescued him in 2020. Veterinarians are surprised he has made it this long, and now he is telling us it is time.

In order to control the pain in his leg, Dan needs to be on tremendous amounts of medicine, and that medicine is also destroying his organs.

Dan stopped eating this morning. We are managing his pain but he is telling us it is time, and we are listening 💔

Bixby is sad this doesn’t fit him 😂

Bixby is sad this doesn’t fit him 😂

We have been overwhelmed by the kindness we’ve received after our last post, it’s not at all what we intended but seeing...

We have been overwhelmed by the kindness we’ve received after our last post, it’s not at all what we intended but seeing such an outpouring of support really filled our cups. We’re ready to keep pushing forward, thank you all ❤️ ft a snoot boop from the one and only Berry 🍓

Hey all, Andria here. It’s come to my attention that I need to make something extremely clear. With all the controversy ...

Hey all, Andria here. It’s come to my attention that I need to make something extremely clear.

With all the controversy surrounding large rescues right now, people are getting swept up in the drama and I heard some things about our little rescue that are a) untrue and b) extremely hurtful on a personal level. So let me be clear:

As you probably noticed, Bent Creek Farm has made some huge infrastructure improvements this year. I want to be perfectly clear: These improvements were funded by myself and my parents, and NO S2S DONOR DOLLARS ARE EVER USED FOR PERMANENT INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS. Unless something can be picked up and moved to another location to support rescue horses, it cannot be purchased by S2S.

Also, for a little background:

-We are one of the only equine rescues that is 100% volunteer-based. That means no one gets paid. Every single penny donated goes directly to the horses.

-I infuse my own money into the recuse when donor dollars aren’t enough.

-I donate the use of all of my equipment to S2S.

-I donate all my training time to S2S.

-I am the one who stays up late and gets up early and compromises my mental and physical health for these poor animals.

-S2S is run by a board of directors, I’m just the boots on the ground.

Allegations that we somehow misuse funds are not only untrue but extremely hurtful to hear. They are an attack on my character and I take that extremely personally, especially considering all of the time, heartache, and mental anguish all of our volunteers face by doing this work and disseminating our message.

Until you are in the trenches saving these horses, your words carry no meaning.

Until you hold a horse’s head while they pass on, because you were the only one that was willing to show them the last act of kindness, after every human being until now has failed them, you are not qualified to comment.

Words matter and allegations like this are harmful. When I hear something like this it makes me want to quit. Also, not to mention, it took years of financial planning for my parents and I to afford these infrastructure improvements.

I won’t quit, because these animals need someone to advocate for them, but please be kind.

Olive is the easiest horse to take pictures of, and we would know! Just drop the lead and tell her to stand and she does...

Olive is the easiest horse to take pictures of, and we would know! Just drop the lead and tell her to stand and she does just that, such a gem 🥲 Have you ever tried getting conformation photos before? How easy was your horse? Most of ours are too friendly and want to see what you’re doing, what a good problem to have! Olives adoption info is officially posted on our website, if you’ve been waiting now’s your time!

Our sweet boy Dan is not doing well 😞 We’ve been treating his lymphedema with meds, cold hosing, and MagnaWave but his b...

Our sweet boy Dan is not doing well 😞 We’ve been treating his lymphedema with meds, cold hosing, and MagnaWave but his body is still fighting hard. It’s only 72 degrees out, but poor Dan is drenched in sweat 😓 We’re doing everything we can to keep him comfortable, but we are worried. Send all the good thoughts Dan’s way 💙
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Dan the Man is having a lymphedema flair up, summer is so hard for our big boy 😞 We’re doing what we can to keep him com...

Dan the Man is having a lymphedema flair up, summer is so hard for our big boy 😞 We’re doing what we can to keep him comfortable with meds, hand walking, and keeping his leg clean. We tried the for the first time on his leg and it made a huge difference! He stood still as a statue for 20 minutes it felt so good, and when we went on a hand walk after he had much more pep in his step! We will continue treating and hope that we can get it under control. In the meantime, this big fella needs a big amount of meds to help, so we’re starting a fundraiser to cover the cost of 30 days of meds. Dan is our original mascot, one of the first horses we rescued, and words can’t describe how much he means to us 💙
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Miss Olive is battling an abscess from all this rain! She’s in a stall to stay nice and clean so it can blow/heal proper...

Miss Olive is battling an abscess from all this rain! She’s in a stall to stay nice and clean so it can blow/heal properly and she can get back on her feet (😉) Did you know that we go through about 2 bags of shavings each day when horses are stalled? This doesn’t seem like a lot, but at almost $6/bag and several days in a stall it adds up quick. So far we’re at 5 days so $60 already 😨 If you’d like to help Olive, consider a $5 donation to cover a bag of shavings while she heals up 💙
PC 💙
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The 2 newbies are settling in and we’re one week closer to bringing them home! Quarantining is a critical piece of rescu...

The 2 newbies are settling in and we’re one week closer to bringing them home! Quarantining is a critical piece of rescue and as convenient as it would be to have them all at one location, we need to keep everyone healthy. These 2 don’t seem to mind the lush grass in the meantime 🥰
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Safe thanks to YOU! We cannot express how thankful we are for all of the love support and kindness that you all have sho...

Safe thanks to YOU! We cannot express how thankful we are for all of the love support and kindness that you all have showed these two beautiful creatures of the last few days. The bay gelding still has a ribbon his mane from being shown recently. His eyes are tired. The chestnut has a deformity in her hoof due to lack of care from an injury around the pastern. We are going to use her story to educate more about proper care and potential consequences for lack of care. For now, they are in the sanctuary and resting easy in quarantine. Thank you so much for being a part of their journey ❤️ They will incur more costs as they rehabilitate. Any donations are welcomed and any donations over $30 will get you access to a private Facebook group where you can see all of the behind the scenes footage of their story. PayPal -  [email protected]
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We are SO CLOSE to our fundraising goal to save a life! So, we are doing a really cool program! If you donate $30 or mor...

We are SO CLOSE to our fundraising goal to save a life! So, we are doing a really cool program! If you donate $30 or more, you will be invited to a private Facebook group where you will see constant live updates throughout the day. These will be a constant stream of us explaining what we are doing and what information we have. PLEASE MESSAGE ME DIRECTLY ONCE YOU DONATE SO I CAN ADD YOU TO THE GROUP. We are SOOO close!

If you have already donated $30 or more, thank you and message me so I can add you! You are making a huge difference.

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Rest Charlie, you beautiful kind soul 💔

Charlie was rescued a year ago by and has lived the last year of his life being cared for and loved on. They believe he was a saddlebred in his late twenties, I can imagine the powerhouse this boy was back in his day. When we let him graze the other evening he had the drive to roam for the good grass, get scratches from the bushes, and even roll in the dirt patch. He enjoyed himself and knew how to pose effortlessly for the camera, I didn’t have to do a thing other than follow him around. It’s hard to know when it’s time, but they tell you, and today is his day. My heart goes out to his caretakers and I am honored to have been able to document this sweet old man.

Charlie is going to be one of our angels this week 💔 Charlie told us it is his time, and we want to let you know what th...

Charlie is going to be one of our angels this week 💔 Charlie told us it is his time, and we want to let you know what that looks like. Charlie is likely in his late 20s or 30s, and has had the BEST last year of life because of all of YOU who donated to save him from an excruciating demise on the way to slaughter. Charlie was too thin to legally sell when we found him. He was starving, tired, and seeking solace. We were able to provide a year of comfort to him because of YOU. Thank you all so much for all of your kind words, financial support, and sharing content to expand our cause ❤️

But we also want to tell you how you know your friend is telling you it is their time. Here is how Charlie told us:

-Charlie started eating sporadically. Charlie is on a specialized diet that requires him to eat a curated mash 3x a day. He started refusing feedings.

-Charlie got tired. He was not showing us the same indicators when we see him. We aren’t getting Charlie nickers and is not feeling well.

-Charlie lost a lot of weight. We are doing all of the veterinary recommendations for feeding but we can’t make him eat. He is not looking well.

We appreciate all of you who have followed Charlie’s journey and supported our outreach efforts. We try to make a difference in the lives of every horse we touch.

If you are struggling with the decision of what is best to do for one of your animal friends, please reach out. We are here to support you.

If you would like to support future saves from slaughter, like Charlie, please see the links below. We appreciate you.

Thank you so much MC Equine & Pet Photography for this Legacy Shoot for Charlie ❤️

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Boo & Berry are iconic ✨ They’re really looking forward to being companions to a new friend in July, can you help us fun...

Boo & Berry are iconic ✨
They’re really looking forward to being companions to a new friend in July, can you help us fundraise enough so we don’t have to tell them no? I’m not sure I can outrun them 😅

Miss Olive captured by the one and only  🥰 We shifted our original plans with Olive and have really focused on her relax...

Miss Olive captured by the one and only 🥰 We shifted our original plans with Olive and have really focused on her relaxation, for example bringing her in to be groomed and tacked up, but instead of riding taking the tack off and putting her back outside. She is doing so well and we’re really excited to step up her under saddle training! Olive will be available for adoption soon, but if you are a trainer/working with a trainer and would be interested in training Olive yourself, please feel free to reach out to us about adopting her now!

Important read! 🐴🤓

Important read! 🐴🤓


The AAEP has issued revised Internal Parasite Control Guidelines to help minimize the risk of parasitic disease and maintain the effectiveness of current drugs for as long as possible by delaying further development of anthelmintic resistance.

The updated guidelines account for recent advances in knowledge concerning increased anthelmintic resistance and optimization of parasite control management practices. They also address common misconceptions and offer parasite control program recommendations for senior horses (over 15 years old), mature horses (between 5 and 15 years old), and young horses (under 5 years old).

Read more at:

The guidelines were reviewed and updated by the AAEP Internal Parasite Control Guidelines Task Force, chaired by Dr. Nielsen and comprised of 10 AAEP members predominantly board certified in veterinary internal medicine, veterinary parasitology and/or veterinary microbiology. We thank them for their incredibly important work!

Happy Pride Month from Boo and everyone at S2S 🏳️‍🌈💕

Happy Pride Month from Boo and everyone at S2S 🏳️‍🌈💕

Big Dan captured so perfectly by  💕 The fence project is well underway and we’ve made some great progress! All the old f...

Big Dan captured so perfectly by 💕 The fence project is well underway and we’ve made some great progress! All the old fence is out, post holes have been filled, ground has been leveled, and so much more! We’ve unfortunately fallen a little radio silent again doing all the prep work for this project and now the project itself. Once our new fence is in, we’ll be back on track! We’re also prepping for……a rescue in July! We really need to hit our fundraising goal since us being quiet has slowed donations down, but we have such an amazing community we’re hopeful we can pull it all together to save another life ❤️

Come join us for some work days this weekend at our farm! We are getting ready for new fence! The old fence has lived ou...

Come join us for some work days this weekend at our farm! We are getting ready for new fence! The old fence has lived out its life and it’s time for a refresh. The new fence will be excellent for our incoming rescues! We are thankful to the Pooley family for making this massive investment in infrastructure so we can save more horses! 12-6pm each day with a cookout after! If you are willing to sweat a bit, lift some things, and have some laughs please RSVP and come on by over Memorial Day weekend!!!

You can always tell when the weather gets nice because posting to socials comes to a screeching halt 🤣 Hopefully it scor...

You can always tell when the weather gets nice because posting to socials comes to a screeching halt 🤣 Hopefully it scored a 10 at least 😉 We have many projects around the farm that we’ve been waiting for warm weather to work on, like new fence for the paddocks, so we haven’t had the energy to post much. Isn’t that silly? But, it’s true, and that’s the world we live in! Thank you all for sticking with us, we’ll be trying to post more regularly again 🥰

We had a blast at the .9 adult prom on Saturday! Walking downtown and then into the  with mini ponies was certainly an e...

We had a blast at the .9 adult prom on Saturday! Walking downtown and then into the with mini ponies was certainly an experience we’ll never forget 😂 It was so fun to see everyone all dressed up and share some pony joy before they went off to dance 🪩 Thank you to all those involved in getting S2S to the event!

You can also follow on Instagram to see more!!! Check out our great posts, stories and new content!

You can also follow on Instagram to see more!!! Check out our great posts, stories and new content!


2330 Turner Avenue NE
Solon, IA


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