Hey! Deer Opener approaches!
Be safe out there this deer season!
Tips for trail riding for a fun and SAFE season:
1: Wear bright colors and reflective clothing so you and your horse are SEEN, make sure your horse is wearing colors too in case you happen to be *separated*
2: Choose your route; search for less hunter-concentrated trails and areas to ride. You can ask the DNR for maps of hunting areas so you know where to avoid.
3: Train your horse; you’re likely to hear gunshots during this time of year while out on the trail. Desensitize your horse to loud noises at home before heading out.
4: Practice Trail Safety; stick to well-traveled and known trails. This is not the time to go off-trail riding and exploring. You will also likely encounter more four-wheeler traffic on trails of hunters scouting areas or traveling out into the woods.
5: Be Courteous; recognize that both horse riders and hunters have a right to share the land. Respect one another out there.
These tips are shared from Horse & Rider Magazine.
Have a good ride!