Wintertime zoomies! Slick, Sparkles and Tanner.
Very thankful for the rain today. Things were the driest I’ve ever seen in my lifetime, at this time of year anyway. This video was taking a few days ago, on a little path the donkeys made in the WOODS. So odd.
Drinking my coffee and watching the morning entertainment. The boys are getting along great!
Welcome to SYA, Gus! This sound will be a phenomenal alarm clock. 😆
Warm mashes tonight and blankets for all the seniors. Sparky was a little bit excited about her warm mash. ❤️
Just givin’ my ass a lil’ scritchy scratch. But seriously, this is huge for Boss. I was standing next to his fence answering emails when he started to back his bum over to me. I thought, this can’t be him asking for a bum scratch, surely he’s winding up to give me a warning kick. But then I realized he wanted bum scratches and tentatively reached an arm in. My heart exploded!! Little moments like this building trust make it all worth it.
Elmo heading in for the night after free grazing for a few minutes after his mash. Look how much better he’s walking!! 😍
We are running low on all of our herbs that we use to help our seniors and recovering animals. Our biggest need right now herb wise is the pituitary support, which we use for Lucy. Maddie and Elmo are in need of Cosequin ASU, vitamin B12 pellets and vitamin E powder. Thank you to everyone who supports us through shopping the wish lists, it really does make a big difference.
Jolene and her daughter, Lucile enjoying some mutual grooming.
Harry, Sally, Lucy, and Markus brining up the rear. Heading out for some morning grazing. Can you tell they are excited? Take a look at how well Markus is walking. When he first arrived to SYA he was very sore and spent most of his time lying down.
Harry, Sally, Lucy, and Markus brining up the rear. Heading out for some morning grazing. Can you tell they are excited? Take a look at how well Markus is walking. When he first arrived to SYA he was very sore and spent most of his time lying down, taking full advantage of the deep sand bed. He is our wonky donkey but has a heart of pure gold.
Soft ride boots are such a life saver. Elmo has been pretty sore the last few days. Thanks to the boots and some pain meds he’s doing and feeling fantastic today. 🥹 He actually did a little trot too. 😍🎉
This was him coming in for his mash tonight.
#seniordonkey #elmo #longears #saveyourasslongearrescue #syaler #sya
It’s amazing what giving a donkeys a little bit of time will do. Boss during his first week with us and now! He’s settling in and we are already seeing a big difference in his behavior. He’s showing us his sweet and cuddly side we knew was in there. Thank you for helping us to be able to help this sweet guy. We could not do it without your donations and support!
The boys are overwhelmed with gratitude for their new fly boots that were donated from the Amazon wish list! Thank you! Porter decided one fly boot was enough for what he was being paid in cookies.
The boys are overwhelmed with gratitude for their new fly boots that were donated from the Amazon wish list! Thank you!
Porter decided one fly boot was enough for what he was being paid in cookies.
The biting flies are very bad this year so we appreciate the gift of fly boots! 🥰