Had to take Dolce to this pack walk.. today was his Birthday!
Some vid tid bits of tonight's pack walk...
Took some time with my boys to catch my breath.
It's not always nose to the grind in training. You gotta break for some fun!!
One of my clients teaching fetch. So proud of these two she will be graduating very soon.
Hello Elite's past, present and future clients! Send me your snow pics or videos of your fur babies in the snow! I'll go first!
So proud of this guy...Tito, he's taking the Elite course and is doing amazing! His family really does the homework and is seeing amazing results. When your pups start seeing you as the leader that bond of trust and cohesiveness starts to develop and changes the dynamics for the better in the family. There is nothing more rewarding as a trainer to see those happy smiles come over the clients faces and give you a big hug! That in itself is so rewarding and is why I do what I do....Blessed.
ELITE K9 TRAINING L.L.C students 2023