Kramer it’s a big boy. His awesome owners came to me with se thank you serious reactivity challenges outside with other dogs. Extremely difficult to walk!!! Bot anymore.. stay tuned for our next outdoor walk. Here are a few basics he has mastered..❤️❤️
#daybreakdogtrainerjacque #utahdogtrainer #puppytrainerjacque #leashtrainerjacque #dogtrainerjacque
I’ve have a big time crush on these two babes.. Riley and Murphy are just about five months old and are Irish doodles. They are all so smart and incredibly beautiful today was pretty much our first real leash lesson.. I have taken them out around the neighborhood to socialize and to a large retail store, again strictly for socialization and didn’t worry too much about the lead, although they pulled ahead a lot and love to say hello to everyone and every dog they have the very best temperament. Today we really focused on leash manners and both excelled after about 10 minutes. I am so excited for their next session as they both moved along so quickly today I am a proud trainer. Keep a close eye on these two they are winners!❤️
#daybreakpuppytrainerjacque #utahdogtrainer #puppytrainerjacque #leashtrainerjacque #dogtrainerjacque #daybreakpuppytrainerjacque
These two young pups, used to run out the door and jump at the bottom of your legs like crazy little Indians. I told their owner I would have them in shape in a few weeks. Look at them now they are amazing and have mastered all the basics this command was the hardest of all for them, and they are champions#daybreakdogtrainerjacque #puppytrainerjacque #leashtrainerjacque #dogtrainerjacque
5 month old GD Jazz Bear on leash today at Home Depot. Just yesterday pulled on leash luke crazy.. Today he mastered it!
#atrainedpuppy #daybreakpuppytrainerjacque
Bondii went from a 12 on leash reactivity (crazy) to a Hero with zero leash reactivity!! I Love my profession❤️❤️#daybreakdogtrainerjacque #utahdogtrainer #puppytrainerjacque #dogtrainerjacque
Be still my heart❤️ He can do no wrong ! Cindee and Tucker were so excited to show me his placing skills. He rocked it! Tiny but fierce this one♥️♥️#utahdogtrainer #daybreakdogtrainerjacque #puppytrainerjacque #dogtrainerjacque
Love these babes❤️❤️❤️❤️#utahdogtrainer #daybreakdogtrainerjacque #puppytrainerjacque #dogtrainerjacque #daybreakpuppytrainer
Literally falling for this one.. Kramer needs work but don’t we all..
#utahdogtrainer #daybreakdogtrainerjacque #leashtrainerjacque #puppytrainerjacque #dogtrainerjacque
Danny has went from an uncontrollable puppy to the best obedient dog. One if my favorite pups! I really love Ashlyn and Danny so much such sweet clients and they have worked so hard making him the perfect dog!#daybreakdogtrainerjacque #utahdogtrainer #leashtrainerjacque #puppytrainerjacque #dogtrainerjacque
Doing a freshening up on leash from a previous client, whose pups have graduated..I love this family🎉❤️#utahdogtrainer #daybreakdogtrainerjacque #leashtrainerjacque #puppytrainerjacque #dogtrainerjacque #daybreakpuppytrainer