I just returned from Lemon's Hope Sanctuary where former SOMA dog trainer Sara Matters now lives. We had a wonderful weekend of learning with a group of trainers. We each got to train a farm animal. Here’s me with Hope working on an agility course.
Leave It, perfect for those times when the neighbors leave bread out for the squirrels!
This is the essential vet staff at @healingpawsvetcare doing their important work. Josie really needed her anal glands expressed. This highlights how important it is to have your pet establish a trusting relationship with his/her vet team. They literally opened the front door and she ran in making contactless handoff a breeze. She trusted her friends Nicole and Kelly to handle her while I waited outside the clinic. <3
Training Tip: If you do not have snufflemats and other food dispensing puzzles to create a landscape for your dog to forage kibble from, utilize objects around the house. Hide kibble under dish towels, in the inner tubes of the much coveted tp rolls, and in muffin tins covered by toys such as tennis balls. Just be careful not to use anything the dog is likely to ingest. According to Dr. Alexandra Horowitz’s study from awhile back, sniffing can help dogs create a more positive outlook. We need all the positive outlook we can get at the moment! Remember, if you need help during this difficult time, we are open for virtual consults!
Josie files her own back toe nails on a homemade scratch board. www.givepawdogtraining.wordpress.com #givepawdogtraining #pitbullsofinstagram #shorthillsnjdogtrainer #montclairdogtrainer #summitnjdogtrainer #southorangedogtrainer #njdogtrainer #maplewooddogtrainer #westorangedogtrainer #millburndogtrainer #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #doggienailtrim #dognailfile #dognailfileboard #doggiemanicure
Julie, from my post a few weeks ago, has made additional progress. Today she approached me with only a foot or two between us. Five sessions ago, she would pace the entire house trying to hide because I was there. Go Team Julie! www.givepaw.com www.givepawdogtraining.wordpress.com #givepawdogtraining #pitbullsofinstagram #shorthillsnjdogtrainer #montclairdogtrainer #summitnjdogtrainer #southorangedogtrainer #njdogtrainer #maplewooddogtrainer #westorangedogtrainer #millburndogtrainer #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #dogtrainersofinstagram #forcefreedogtrainer #fearfuldogs #LAT #counterconditioning #desensitization #behaviormodification #fearfreedogtraining
Heather is teaching her fearful dog, Julie, to look at me in order to get treats. We use her food puzzles to facilitate making positive associations as Julie takes comfort in finding food in her puzzle toys. She is given breaks on the other side of the stairs and Julie gets to tell Heather when she wants to return. As you can see, Julie keeps telling her mom she wants to come back to see me because I hold the key to food and puzzle time! To put it in context, she used to pace furiously and hide whenever I was present, so this is a big change. Julie is one of my more challenging cases, but also one of the most rewarding. With my help and the help of a skilled vet behavior team, she is making progress all the time. She has a fear of the outside as well as of people. Through nose games, she has learned to explore some areas outdoors, including her backyard which sits next to a loud and scary highway. Now, through this exercise, we believe we have a way to help her get used to people. Julie needs the toys as well as the ability to make choices in order for this exercise to be successful. www.givepaw.com www.givepawdogtraining.wordpress.com #givepawdogtraining #pitbullsofinstagram #shorthillsnjdogtrainer #montclairdogtrainer #summitnjdogtrainer #southorangedogtrainer #njdogtrainer #maplewooddogtrainer #westorangedogtrainer #millburndogtrainer #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #dogtrainersofinstagram #forcefreedogtrainer #fearfuldogs #LAT #counterconditioning #desensitization #behaviormodification #fearfreedogtraining
This is my first session teaching my dog that she can tell me to start the vacuum because vacuum makes the treats happen. I’m also conditioning her to go to mat when the vacuum is on so that she doesn’t get under foot. This is just one way to teach a dog s/he has choices regarding the stressors in their life. #forcefreetraining #dogsandvacuums #choicebasedtraining #startbuttonbehaviors www.givepaw.com www.givepawdogtraining.wordpress.com #givepawdogtraining #pitbullsofinstagram #shorthillsnjdogtrainer #montclairdogtrainer #summitnjdogtrainer #southorangedogtrainer #njdogtrainer #maplewooddogtrainer #westorangedogtrainer #millburndogtrainer #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #dogtrainersofinstagram #forcefreedogtrainer #fearfree #lowstresshandling
This is my first session teaching my dog that she can tell me to start the vacuum because vacuum makes the treats happen. I’m also conditioning her to go to mat when the vacuum is on so that she doesn’t get under foot. This is just one way to teach a dog s/he has choices regarding the stressors in their life. #forcefreetraining #dogsandvacuums #choicebasedtraining www.givepaw.com www.givepawdogtraining.wordpress.com #givepawdogtraining #pitbullsofinstagram #shorthillsnjdogtrainer #montclairdogtrainer #summitnjdogtrainer #southorangedogtrainer #njdogtrainer #maplewooddogtrainer #westorangedogtrainer #millburndogtrainer #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #dogtrainersofinstagram #forcefreedogtrainer #fearfree #lowstresshandling
Josie and I took a field trip to a parking lot to practice our vehicle birch searches. #nosework #scentwork #findingbirch
Josie and I are enjoying the game of Scent Work! Here she is finding birch scented q-tips. It’s attached to the tree. #followyournose #scentwork #nosework #findingbirch