Golly woofers! Mom brought out Sprite's purple toy & even though Sprite was not interested, Moxie sure was! Suddenly, I saw an opportunity to get that toy away frim Moxie! I don't what it is, it is like I become possessed by the playful doggie in me, and when I see my Momma playing tug-o-toy with one of our canine friends, I feel compelled to join in! It is my house after all & I am the Princess Queen Warrior, says my mom. It was fun. Afterwards, Momma gave us all treats! Me n' Moxie got a refreshing Frosty Paws, like Ice cream in a cup, but only for dogs. You humans can't have any. Sprite preferred bits of chicken-jerky instead. What a great Saturday!
I was rolling around having a good 'ol time & then I caught my momma with that camera of hers again! I saw her mouth move, have no clue what she was saying. I don't read lips ya know.