So this is my baby, "Camp Hot Diggity Dog". I hope this endeavor will bring me closer to my dream of a non-profit camp where animals (including the ones of the human verity) can come to recover from neglect and abuse. A sanctuary for animals waiting to be adopted and a day camp for children that need to know that someone out there cares for them even if they haven’t met them yet. For years now I h
ave been doing rescue work with dogs and cats, even donkeys! Now I want to take it to the next level. Children are this world’s most valuable resource no matter what back ground they come from. I have a petting zoo I want to put to good use, a therapeutic use. My goal is to have a day camp where underprivileged, disabled and abused kids or children in the foster care system can come and be treated special. This is the first step; I’m making my wants public! I still need to form a non-profit; Camp Hot Diggity Dog is the first leg in the journey. Dog boarding will give the camp the finical base it needs to survive. I will chronicle the voyage on face-book and the website that is under construction now. I invite you to come alone for the trip and be a part of something that someday will be magical. Thank You
Mellisa Crawford