The Two Gun Story
Drents are not just supposed to be birddogs, they are to be first-rate family companions as well. Outstanding pedigrees are only a component, measuring up with the three pillars of the breed: to be a versatile hunting dog, farmyard dog, and playmate to the children is something we insist upon. You can read more about the Three Pillars on our main website. A Drent must be a birddog able to hunt with desire and stamina for a good days hunt. Certainly, exhibition results are nice and have their place, but a dog must also have what it takes to be a birddog. Just as the converse situation, a good hunting dog which misses on confirmation and/or temperament. We look for balance in our dogs and our breeding program.
First and foremost, we are not a quantity breeder, we seek the highest quality and believe as a responsible breeder we should do what we can to give our pups the best chances of being great representatives of the breed we can. We make sure the parents have all of the desired traits of a Drent are sound to breed, are effective in the field, and have a typical if not outstanding temperament. The dogs we plan to use must meet or exceed all DPCNA standards for breeding: Hips, Eyes, Elbows, Health, Conformation, and Temperament. From the home to the field we believe in breeding the Drent to be the birddog they were designed to be. We strictly adhere to the DPCNA Code Of Ethics.
We offer pups only on occasion and only to approved households. Please inquire for more details.