After more than twenty years of traditional western veterinary practice, Dr. Thomas changed his philosophy of medicine and began to incorporate alternative and complimentary forms of pet health care for his patients. His training in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and veterinary acupuncture, as well as Chinese herbal remedies, led Dr. Thomas to direct healing beyond the limits of tradition
al western veterinary care, with amazing results. Today, Dr. Thomas takes pet health care to a new level by changing the focus from treating to healing. At his "little healing room" Dr. Thomas works with multiple modalities to restore and maintain your pet's energetic balance and natural state of being--perfect health. Dr. Thomas recognizes the importance of the healing, energetic bond between people and their pets, and utilizes this awareness to direct healing from this loving, compassionate state of mind. The term “holistic” is based on the principle that the “whole” is more than the sum of its parts. In medicine this infers that the material body is better understood as a whole than as a conglomerate of its individual parts. Here in the west, our medical philosophy has been to narrow the focus instead of expand the awareness of the material body and how it functions. When we narrow our focus to the individual parts of the material body we limit our understanding and ignore the impact of the entirety of the system (including physical, emotional, environmental, and spiritual aspects). This philosophy leads to an incorrect understanding of what enables the material body to express its natural state of well being. Fortunately, there are those in medicine, both veterinary and human, that have accepted a new philosophy of health care that is based on a holistic approach to medicine. From this perspective, we are able to expand our awareness and open new doors to direct healing. Many clinicians have integrated alternative and complimentary modalities such as acupuncture, herbal therapy, homeopathy, energy medicine and others into their approach to directing healing and in so doing, have expanded the opportunities to help restore and maintain well being in the material body. Often, these modalities enable us to bi-pass the need to use harsh chemicals routinely used for “fighting” disease. The vast majority of health issues in pets could be avoided by focusing on restoring and maintaining balance utilizing the proper nutritional, emotional, and physical components of care. The western perspective of pet health care is based on attacking disease once it has occurred with surgery and/or drugs. Often, when a disease presents itself in the material body, the imbalances that led to the disease have been ongoing for years. It is no wonder that curing these conditions with traditional medicine is often very difficult if not impossible. Holistic care is based on ensuring, in multiple ways, that our pets’ immune systems are at the peak of strength and vitality throughout their lives by focusing on establishing and maintaing balance of the body, mind, and spirit. We in the west typically don’t address health issues until something has gone terribly wrong. The environment we and our pets live in is full of pollutants, toxins, and harmful microorganisms. Our food supplies are laden with preservatives, GMOs, hormones, and additive fillers. No material body, including our pets’ bodies, can maintain health, and repair damage when it is compromised with over-vaccination, low quality nutrition, and less than optimal environmental conditions. In order to achieve a long healthy life, our pets have many of the same requirements we humans have: the need for a safe, healthy environment; high quality, sound nutrition; exercise; and a joyful emotional life.