Manor Hill Farm

Manor Hill Farm Manor Hill Farm is a private, family run Horse Boarding Facility located in Chester Springs- Spring City, PA.

Manor Hill Farm is horse boarding facility located in Chester Springs, Pa on 40 acres. Amenities: (10) 12x12 stalls, automatic heated water, fans, infrared heated wash stalls, heated tack room, heated and climate controlled tack room, 5 grooming bays, 2 wash stalls, private turnout, outdoor sand arena with lights, 60' round pen, bathroom with washing machine, personal storage, trailer parking, dre

ssage, mounted games, and jump supplies.
*Boutique boarding available to the seasoned rider.
-accepting wait list boarders March of 2023.

I asked my boarders to send me old photos of them riding for a project I’m working on. The photos sent blew my mind. The...

I asked my boarders to send me old photos of them riding for a project I’m working on. The photos sent blew my mind. They are all really amazing! I’m only sharing one of my favorites on social media. The rest is for my project. (Sorry Lynne.) I had to!

Lynne asked if I would watch her jump today for safety. I really do mean it when I say that this woman is an inspiration to me. She still hooks up her own trailer, takes lessons from world class trainers that live far away, and competes. She never gives up on learning and doing the best she can for her horses. She is always positive and helps out at the barn. And Yup! She has two horses.

She has xx more years of experience around horses than I do and rides better too, but still asks for my opinions and asks that I spot her when she’s riding alone.

Meanwhile, I’m watching her and equally learning… why did he swap his lead two strides before the jump? We both look at the video trying to figure it out.
It honestly doesn’t matter how much you know, or where you have been… each horse you ride teaches you something new or brings you back to the basics again. Lynne (and a lot of others at this barn) has seen and done it, but takes everything slow and steady with the ones that aren’t ready yet.

All of my boarders get the blue ribbon for taking it slow and steady… and showing great examples of horsemanship. I honestly have great people in this barn. Lynne got it today riding her special boy Marco. He has changed so much over these past two years and just keeps getting better by the second.
Lynne is a badass horse woman and I think everyone should know it.
Ok bye.

A really fun and giggle fest of an evening was had. Their trainer Nicole and Nancy are competing in Kentucky this week w...

A really fun and giggle fest of an evening was had.
Their trainer Nicole and Nancy are competing in Kentucky this week winning lots of ribbons- no Monday lesson. So, Ava’s friend from pony club trailered to our farm to practice for the Ludwig’s show this weekend.
Pony clubbers have the most fun while making lifelong friends. Just waiting for the Moss girls to come home from vacation and we will have a full tribe of cute ponies practicing their lessons. It’s more fun to ride with friends. No excuses for these two anymore.


Take a quick glimpse into how our horses live and some of the products we love.

We aren’t so different after all.

We aren’t so different after all.

Please help us find good barn homes for these beautiful barn kitties. Forever Home Animal Rescue

Please help us find good barn homes for these beautiful barn kitties. Forever Home Animal Rescue

We want to give a big belated congratulations to Sam and Mystery! They did a great job at Devon last week! We are very p...

We want to give a big belated congratulations to Sam and Mystery! They did a great job at Devon last week! We are very proud of these two. It was Mystery’s first time in the Dixon Oval. A first of many to come.

Who wants to learn how to change a truck tire while your horse trailer is attached? I sure didn’t care till yesterday wh...

Who wants to learn how to change a truck tire while your horse trailer is attached? I sure didn’t care till yesterday when it happened to me. I had no idea what to do, was helpless, felt like a fool, and was thankful that I did not have horses in my rig when I learned a very valuable lesson. I was very fortunate to have help. TripleA will not help you if you have a horse trailer. So, we will be signing up for US Rider for safe trailering. Read the comments under the photos to see what happened and how I was saved.

I was mucking stalls with the family. Jen was on her way out. I knew exactly what she was about to send me. She is an am...

I was mucking stalls with the family. Jen was on her way out. I knew exactly what she was about to send me. She is an amazing photographer! I caught her in the act. This is a photo of me taking a photo of what she saw plus more. I love her eye for art. Thanks Jen for always noticing the little things that are beautiful. We need more of you in the world.

The only fireworks the horses and animals will be seeing tonight are the ones from our flower gardens. Happy 4rth of Jul...

The only fireworks the horses and animals will be seeing tonight are the ones from our flower gardens. Happy 4rth of July!

Before and after is my favorite. I really get upset when we have an ugly arena. Mr. Luke makes my eyes stop bleeding.

Before and after is my favorite. I really get upset when we have an ugly arena. Mr. Luke makes my eyes stop bleeding.

Happy Fathers Day! Especially…to all the dads that are mentors, idols, sporting event runners, farm fixers, weekend spor...

Happy Fathers Day! Especially…to all the dads that are mentors, idols, sporting event runners, farm fixers, weekend sport cheerleaders and pony holders for their crazy kids! Happy Father’s Day Mr. Luke- you are the best dad around.

My golly gee wiz this weather has been absolutely perfect this week!. So many smiles and happy people and animals. It’s ...

My golly gee wiz this weather has been absolutely perfect this week!. So many smiles and happy people and animals. It’s the best!
Get your riding in now- temps are going into the 90’s by next Tuesday, it’s going to be a sweat fest.

We had a blast today at the Pickering Hunt Ludwig’s Corner horse show. Ava and Grace brought home ribbons in all of her ...

We had a blast today at the Pickering Hunt Ludwig’s Corner horse show. Ava and Grace brought home ribbons in all of her 12 classes. She earned two reserve champions for the short stirrup and shortest stirrup hunter divisions. She earned 14 ribbons for her 12 classes. It was a really well run and fun show and she had a great time volunteering with her pony club friends. A big Thankyou goes to all the family and friends that came to support her and of course her trainers and pony club for supporting us. As always we learned a lot and just continue to improve as we face more challenging classes.

A big belated Congratulations to Lynne and Jacqui this past weekend at the KCS Hunter Show. Lynne P and Marco placed 3rd...

A big belated Congratulations to Lynne and Jacqui this past weekend at the KCS Hunter Show.
Lynne P and Marco placed 3rd, 5th and 8th in the 2'6" hunters.
Jacqui D and Jet placed 2nd and 6th in equitation and 4th in the hunter under saddle. A great job done at their first horse show of the season. Keep up the great work ladies.

As many of you might know- we also have 4 goats. Agatha is a mom of two boys and has been kicked out as the queen of the...

As many of you might know- we also have 4 goats. Agatha is a mom of two boys and has been kicked out as the queen of the herd. Her sons and husband bully her when she tries to eat hay. She lost some weight, her coat looks gross, and has been quidding her hay.
I called our vet Dr. Jessica Rexroth to do a wellness exam and check her teeth. I didn’t get any photos of the exam since I was a bit too busy holding my goat and it was graphic - but it turns out she has lice. Both kinds- the ones attached to hair and the black ones that crawl on the skin and suck.
No worries though - they don’t carry to humans. I still feel gross and itchy seeing them thanks to Dr. Jess using her eyes to really spot them out for me. So gross.
We will treat all the goats, with ultra boss and disinfect their cottages.
On close inspection she had a loose upper tooth that was pulled easily, and needed to be sedated to get to the back molars. After sedation, Dr. Jess did everything. Trimmed feet, floated and pulled a rotten molar. Hopefully the f***l comes back normal. I’m so glad I worried a little. Now I know that she will feel much better with treatment and that her teeth work.

Ava has been working so hard to get this goat to trust her. She came to us extremely fearful of people. Today was the first time I actually got to really touch her, she’s so sweet and was so good for the exam. Now she’s a little more trusting of us that we don’t mean to harm her- but to help. Thanks Dr. Jess for going the extra mile to really check my suspicions. I always worry less after I have a visit from you.

I highly recommend both. Happy Memorial Day.

I highly recommend both. Happy Memorial Day.

I love May! Here are some photos of the farm in May.

I love May! Here are some photos of the farm in May.

Between the germs. Two breeds same brain. Both… enjoy a fun toy with treats.

Between the germs. Two breeds same brain. Both… enjoy a fun toy with treats.

Ava loves Le Mieux products. She’s sporting the shirt, helmet cover, fly sheet, fly mask, and saddle pad. Grace just got...

Ava loves Le Mieux products. She’s sporting the shirt, helmet cover, fly sheet, fly mask, and saddle pad. Grace just got in her new waterproof fly sheet and fly mask today. The fly mask is a little big in the ears but we think it makes our pony look that much more adorable.

A huge Happy Birthday goes to our Ava who is 9 years old today. In celebration, I compiled a few favorites from over the...

A huge Happy Birthday goes to our Ava who is 9 years old today. In celebration, I compiled a few favorites from over the years of her time with the many people and horses that have helped her live the best life. It takes an army and part of the reason she is such a special child is due to all the people and horses that have showered her in love. We are so grateful and humble that our children are raised with so much love and light. Happy Birthday Ava! We love you.

A huge belated birthday goes to my vet- friend Dr. Jessica Rexroth. She has been with us for almost a decade and has bee...

A huge belated birthday goes to my vet- friend Dr. Jessica Rexroth. She has been with us for almost a decade and has been my primary go to doctor for all of my personal animals and many of my boarders over the years. It’s mostly why we barely see her at the barn. Twice a year is our best of the best outlook! It’s ok- I rather see her at another barn or better yet at a function when she isn’t working constantly!

This lady has taught me a lot over the years. Best vet in the area, for animals but also humans. Jess is a people person too, she isn’t that sort that shows up and runs without hard questions being answered or complicated answers you have to look up. I can’t count how many times she spent helping me cope with a problem emotionally while and after she left through the past years.
Dr. Jess is really good at handling upset animal moms and teaching them how to do better next time. It’s why we don’t have a “next time”. She teaches while practicing medicine and walks away as a friend and neighbor with the best interest of animal and human. Together- understanding, trust, and compassion is made.
Happy Birthday Dr. Jess! We love you! Keep doing the good work.

I highly recommend the book of World Class Grooming if you want to step it up in the world of horse care. This is a hand...

I highly recommend the book of World Class Grooming if you want to step it up in the world of horse care. This is a handbook written by the grooms that take care of Olympic horses. It’s super handy for horse shows and care in general for your horses and barn maintenance. It’s a bible for this barn and now I have my 8 year old taking it to school to study during reading time so she will be prepared for her horse shows and barn management tests for pony club. She was very proud to scrub all the feed buckets tonight because she knows it’s the little things that make a big difference to our barn. I hope she one day will be able to work for any barn and do a top notch job of it. It’s the little things that lead up to greatness.

This was a horse that wouldn’t load onto horse trailers with a butt bar. A few years ago we bought this 3+2 gooseneck fe...

This was a horse that wouldn’t load onto horse trailers with a butt bar. A few years ago we bought this 3+2 gooseneck feather lite trailer for our hard to load horses. I grew up with this trailer and when it was offered for sale I immediately bought it. Mystery loads easily onto the side ramps and enjoys going to horse shows and lessons. It gives us a huge box stall in the front to easily groom, tack up and let our horses relax before the class. It’s a barn on wheels, all of our horses love it and think it’s the hay wagon. If you have a horse that is phobic get yourself a large trailer with lots of space. Tack rooms are nice to have, but today a grooming stall was ideal. Three people working on one horse in the horse trailer with plenty of room to move around is a luxury. Especially, if it’s loaded with other horses in the back waiting for their ride time. She walked off the trailer cool as a cucumber and ready to impress.

I’m cursing myself for not going to see this live. It is the best weekend around, I love Kentucky and Eventing. Luckily,...

I’m cursing myself for not going to see this live. It is the best weekend around, I love Kentucky and Eventing.
Luckily, with a lot of help from Mr.Luke to get the app to work I can watch my favorite weekend and riders live! Hold my calls- I’m going to be glued to this iPad all weekend. It’s going to be perfect weather for these 4 & 5* riders.

Things we do to our hands for the horses: I highly recommend this product. Not only is it fun to apply (smearing goo ont...

Things we do to our hands for the horses:

I highly recommend this product. Not only is it fun to apply (smearing goo onto wood), but it’s so gross smelling that horses hate it and will instantly stop behaving like beavers. Say goodbye to wood chewing and cribbing.

It also requires gloves or a credit card, or a rubber spatula to apply- the smell only gets stronger as it seeps into your skin. I’m amazed at how long the scent stays- 3 days so far on my skin, and mechanics are asking me what shop I work in. The product lasts for months on the wood.

I’m thrilled. I give this product 5*’s. It’s worth the fortune, however it should come with gloves, because who has time for personal protection?
Imagine selling hair dye without gloves? Everyone would be walking around with ugly hands and obvious hair.
I digress. In any case. This stuff works great for those horses with vices that destroy wood.

We participated in the EPA Pony Club Dressage Rally today at Ludwig’s Corner Show Grounds, and came home feeling well ac...

We participated in the EPA Pony Club Dressage Rally today at Ludwig’s Corner Show Grounds, and came home feeling well accomplished! We had a very strong team that came out with great dressage scores, great horse management points, and over all riding points as a team. It was a really fun day for the kids. We are so proud to be apart of the Pickering Hunt Pony Club. A lot of work and effort goes into teaching these kids to be independent from parents and work together as a team , and most importantly to be great horse people. The horse always comes first in pony club. (I learned a lot of stuff today too) perks for non club members. * A huge Thankyou goes to Firefly Farm (Nancy and Nicole) , A to Z equestrian (Zoe Gautier), Josie D for chaperoning, my barn staff , and team mom.

Things we do to our hands for our horses: M.T.G  which should have the name: J.U.G. (Just use gloves) Or P.U- (what is t...

Things we do to our hands for our horses:
M.T.G which should have the name:
J.U.G. (Just use gloves)
Or P.U- (what is that aroma?)
I really love that this remarkable classic has a new scent. However, It still smells like old burnt bacon grease from that iron skillet that your grandma used in 1890. Does it work? Why yes! It does!
Yes! Your eggs will taste delicious and your horses mane and tail will be spotless. You might have dogs running after you for days. You will be popular.
Just use gloves. I didn’t- and now I am an ancient skillet of a dogs favorite meal.
Buy it today!
Husbands love it! 😒


It’s the season. I’m getting many emails and phone calls from folks looking for horse boarding. We are happily full with a wait list. I need good recommendations for barns in this area that I can refer people with certain criteria. I will happily recommend barns if I know they have space and meet the needs of people reaching out. Some barns are closing, people are moving home after wintering in the south, they have a budget, need field board, have more than one horse, or need special care for a retired horse. Is there a spreadsheet or a place that shows options for good horse people looking? I’m not the type to say we are full- bye. I know how frustrating it can be to find a home for your loved one. Spread the love. Help me find homes please.

Angel checking out his outfit before the ride or trying to figure out why there is a horse in the tack room staring back...

Angel checking out his outfit before the ride or trying to figure out why there is a horse in the tack room staring back at him. It’s up for debate. What does your horse think of their reflection? Photo credit: Jen L. (I steal a lot of her photos 🫶🏻)

Please enjoy these glamour shots of our majestic farm hounds. When they aren’t being the greeters of the farm- they are ...

Please enjoy these glamour shots of our majestic farm hounds. When they aren’t being the greeters of the farm- they are busy doing other activities.


2966 Flowing Springs Road
Spring City, PA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 8pm
Sunday 8am - 8pm




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