Come check our custom made toys!
I can do tons of colors, seamless designs etc. everything safe for small animals 🙂
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Video credit to happy Etsy customer Jess ;)
Generator running in the truck!
AC going full blast!
😂 pool noodles for the cords!
We made it safely! Checked on the gliders every little bit. ❤️
Porkchop, one of our permanent residents and my daughter’s favorite.
Still needs a HOME!
She’s super cute and sassy!
Little Joey at the vet, my original glider. He’s 12 now.
He has an infection in his left tooth. 😔 antibiotics and time for this old man!
😂 so I’m not huge into videos bc I’m not the best at taking them! So bear with me!
Basically just an update on our little lady with the brain tumor.
Small background, this little girl came to me a couple years ago, she had been attacked by a cat. Her back leg and tail had to be amputated. It has never affected her mobility until the spinning issue.
She is doing a lot better this week on the steroids and antibiotics!
I didn’t know if she was going to make it through the week or not.
I had been planning all last weekend waiting for Monday to arrive and the vet said we could put her down if she continued to get worse. She had liquid diarrhea, wouldn’t eat or drink. I was hand feeding her and keeping her with me 24/7. Her eyes had lost the glimmer, she was peeing all over herself and I knew she was close to death.
I cried, but I know sometimes it’s the best for these guys when they are suffering. I understood what needed to be done.
This little girl wasn’t done fighting yet! Monday she was running around and gave me hope that she’s fighting.
As long as she keeps fighting I will too.
Now it’s Thursday and she’s actually running in her wheel! No more circle spinning.
These little animals steal your heart. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Huge thanks to “all hearts animal hospital” in hickory. Jenna has been awesome and helped us through this process.
I’m hoping this will last and she will continue to get better everyday. I will post a video of the circling for an informative later.