Two week anniversary. This was the best mom could do to get me to the park. this was our spot!! Man I with I could have gotten out. 😢
Just me eating some more turkey. This was about 10 days ago.
Getting a little fresh air this morning. Movin slow, but don’t we all as we get old.
I was happy mom came outside with me today. I didn’t want to stay long, but I got some fresh air. Of course, Tay made a debut.
He sees Jaggs chewing on a Kong!!! He can't stand it.
Billy couldn't wait to get to his new bed!!! 😂😂😂
I have to tell you a story "live" hopefully it can be recreated
Shhhhh I wanna show you something. Inside the house Billy is trying to be as far away as possible BUT outside is a different story.
I know y'all think I'm exaggerating all the time about Billy being scared, buuuuut I'm not. You've probably never even seen this part of the house. This is where he went, which he NEVER GOES. Alllllll the way upstairs!!! Let's go find him. I did at 3 something this morning.
Billy why are you stuck??
You are the winner Billy. You are watching the #eclipse with me. #cool 🌘
Ok annnnnd you got a niiiiice long walk. Did I fix it???
I swear Billy can't stop itching. He is uncomfortable and needing to be scratched. Hopefully Benadryl will bring some relief. I can see bumps through hair, it's raised. What the heck??