Hello and Welcome to our page! Thank you for adding us! If you don’t know us personally, here is a little bit about us! We are a husband and wife, that have been married almost 10 years. We have two kids and settled down in Stillwater NJ. Starting a Hatchery and running a FB page are both new to us, but we are really excited to start this journey. So bare with us! We got into ducks a couple of years ago. Our passion grew, and we fell in love with geese/ducks after saving geese from an auction awhile back. Their personalities drew us in and we have been hooked! Since then we have researched so many rare breeds, and want to help educate others and hatch the rare breeds to give them a chance! This year we’re focusing on getting the best breeding groups lined up, so that next year we will be able to offer them to those interested. We are focused on preserving rare heritage breeds; such as Dutch Hook Bills, Indian Runners, Large Dewalp Toulouse and Sebastopol Geese. Thanks for taking the time to visit The Quack House Hatchery page, and we look forward to sharing every step of the way with you through photos, facts, and videos!