A short time ago in a galaxy not so far away ...
Darth Nori has earned her Sith Lord name! As a young Padawan named Joy, she overcame many obstacles, including escaping a high-kill shelter, beating feline panleukopenia thanks to a blood transfusion and having her vision impaired by a severe, untreated keratitis. Thanks to the efforts led by Milo's Sanctuary, she was saved, treated by vets, underw
ent a blood transfusion and cared for by two foster mothers. The first was Leslie Korengold Schalin, who nursed Joy back to health, and whose cat Cooper (who had beat panleuk himself and therefore had the antibodies) donated the blood for the transfusion. The second foster is my friend Grace, who you may know better as Mama Moo of the Hank and Sophie Moo-- Blind Supercats page. At Mootopia, she thrived and terrorized each Moo Clan member and demonstrated an almost frightening fearlessness (hide yo' kids! hide yo' wife!). Finally, at about 4 months old, she was healthy enough to be adopted by me, Hanh Solo, and a "teenage mom" cat, the 1-year-old tuxedo Momoberry. Together, we're enjoying Jedi and food adventures and exploring the far reaches of our home that may include a catio! Because Nori is quite demanding, expect a few play dates at Mootopia in her future. Yes, there will be pictures. Since Nori is a true success story of the rescue system, this page will not just highlight her life, but also promote animal rescue, pet adoptions and education. And in some cases, I will be the one being schooled by Nori! Thanks to Milo's, Leslie & Cooper, all the donations, the vets and Moo Clan for all the help! And thank you for "Liking" this page. May The Force Be With You! Nori's story in photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.515372271877281.1073741828.515356368545538&type=1