This! So incredibly true for dogs as well. I am here to help you get your dog back to their best potential but absolutely nothing will work if you can’t give their bodies time to heal!
As far as injuries go, the greatest healer of all is time. We, as vets, can inject this and that (stem cells, steroids, polyacrylamide gels, PRP) to try to speed up healing time, or “improve” the healing process, but ultimately, all injuries, of every kind, need time.
You may say, “but, I don’t have time! My horse is meant to be competing at x/y/z!”. Ultimately, your horse won’t heal as well as someone who withdraws from the rest of the season, and gives their horse, “time”.
I absolutely “get it”. I have missed whole seasons with horses with the most minor of tendon injuries, but these injuries have always healed, and never reoccurred.
Our horses aren’t concerned if they miss half a season, or have a year out to recover from a tendon or ligament injury; it’s us, the riders/owners, that care.
I’m a vet. I X-ray/scan/nerve block/inject stuff. But, ultimately, a horse with an injury simply needs time. That’s not months shut in a stable, but careful rehab from day one.
Harold in his Eventing days…..he had 2 years off following an 85% tendon rupture, to return to winning dressage at Advanced Medium level.