Meet Marsh. A New Zealand rabbit that was found, dumped, in a swampy area in Salem Lakes, WI. He just came to me today.
Now, usually I like these posts to be uplifting and happy, yay, an animal if safe.
BUT. I’m mad. I’m so mad after assessing him that I’m STILL shaking 30 minutes later.
This poor baby is COVERED in fly eggs, he had maggots all over his backside that I cleaned off. His whole under and backside is missing fur and incredibly inflamed/sore. He had a buddy with him that could not be found. Likely dead. He did NOT deserve this. His buddy did not deserve this.
STOP DUMPING ANIMALS. It’s ILLEGAL and you have options! I have a building that you can anonymously drop animals off that you can’t keep for crying out loud! If you surrender your animal, we’re just happy that you cared enough to send them somewhere safe. But if you dump an animal? I have no respect for you. I absolutely am judging. There is no reason for this.
So, all of that being said, please send good vibes Marsh’s way while he recovers. He will be available for adoption once he is healed and healthy. Not posting the nasty photos of the maggots and eggs everywhere.