Little Miss Squeegee wasn't feeling her best self (although you can't tell in the video) 😆.
After a visit to the emergency vet- it was discovered that she had a pretty gnarly UTI. It's something we have been warned about from her veterinary care team- turns out, they know what they are talking about!
She is on the mend with some pain meds, and heavy antibiotics. Which is good news. The bad news is that it ate into some of our medical fund for her care. 😞
Her wheelchair was covered by a very generous 😇 donor- however, we are STILL fundraising for the rest of her medical care. She needs updated xrays next week, and after that the start of physical therapy!
We have updated her Amazon wishlist, because some of her needs have changed as we've gotten to know eachother! It is linked below, along with our fundraising link!
To our community, as always THANK YOU. 😊
Squeegee's Wish List - Amazon Gift List -
Little Saturday puppy love ❤️
We have SIX beautiful puppies yall !
Just how long do you have to leave a dog trapped in puddles of its own urine and feces for this to happen ? How many times do you walk past the crate and IGNORE suffering ?
This doesn’t happen over night, and it surely doesn’t happen during a four hour car ride. This… this is ABUSE.
This is how Smalls looks AFTER a bath with special shampoo… stained.
I’m so devastated this poor babies life started this way.. Thank GOD he’s in our care now. This will NEVER happen to him again.
Every animal that comes into our rescue is so special..
Some though, some tie a string to your heart that makes it hard to let go. When you see a dog so afraid of things that should bring excitement; the leash, doorway, car ride, hands… it ignites a fire in me I didn’t even know was there.
How? How could someone be on such a low vibration that they cause trauma to an innocent animal ?
These are questions we will NEVER know the answers to.
You know what I do know? That as long as I have air in my lungs I will hold a safe space for every single animal that comes to me like Church. They will leave my house with confidence and trust. I will find them the perfect family and I will cry happy tears every time knowing they will NEVER be abused again.
THIS is why we do what we do ❤️
Yayyyyy Terry Tilley! I hope I didn't butcher your name, I couldn't read my own handwriting! 😆 😹 😂
To claim your prize, submit your photo along with your shipping address, and we will get the info off to Bianca!
Our next online raffle will be for A WHOLE FREAKING TV :) Stay tuned for deets!