A Vet's Pet: Socializing!
According to the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB), the first three months (0-12 weeks) of a puppy's life are "the primary and most important time for puppy socialization." Those with dogs may recognize that this window of time is before puppy vaccines are completed-- 16-20 weeks depending on breed and lifestyle.
'Socialization' is sometimes mistaken as literally being social with other people or animals. In reality, it refers to all types of exposure to stimuli-- sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. This is the period when puppy learns what things are safe and normal vs worthy of fear. Taking puppy out into wet grass for walks, doing something fun and positive during a thunder storm, feeding treats or playing a game when the garbage truck comes by, or acclimating your pup to paws and ears being touched are all forms of socialization, none of which require socializing.
With behavior being one of the number one causes of pet surrender, setting puppy up for behavioral success is considered higher benefit than the minor risks associated with age-appropriate socialization.
In this photo, Truffle is in a Marshalls! Pet-friendly, non-pet retail stores (nix on the Petsmart and Petco for now) are a great place to take a puppy for exposure to novel sights, sounds, and people, without close contact with other dogs and risk of preventable illness.
Playdates with healthy, vaccinated, friendly adult dogs that don't live a social lifestyle are also a good way for puppies to socialize, as well as puppy classes with a similar age group- as long as all puppies have received a minimum of their first vaccinations 7+ days prior to class.
You can read AVSAB's position statement at this link:
How did you socialize your puppy?
Dr C