Our swimming pug, Tessa is at it again. She loves to swim here at Dog Gone Spoiled, LLC!
Here is Junior our newest family member here at DGS playing in the sandbox!
Our very own swimming pug, Tessa here at Dog Gone Spoiled, LLC! Tessa! Introduced her to the pool and water 5 weeks ago. Look how far she has come! Worked with her weekly, baby steps and look at her now. She's even surprising her mom at the end of the summer with a little swim routine! We love you, Tessa!
Who says a pug can't swim? Tessa had never been in the water before until 3 weeks ago when I introduced her to it. Now, look at her! She takes swim lessons here at Dog Gone Spoiled, We love Tessa here!!
Have you heard of a pug that swims? This is Tessa here at Dog Gone Spoiled. Her first time in the water was 3 weeks ago. I've worked with her taking baby steps and now she loves the water and shes pretty good at that doggy paddle. When she sees me grab her yellow life vest, she comes running so that I can put it on her. Good girl Tessa! Dog Gone Spoiled offers swimming lessons while your furbaby is here for a small fee as a add on.
The last video is showing you how excited Tessa is for her lesson today. What pug do you know likes water?
From sandboxes to seesaws to swimming lessons.There is something for every furbaby here at Dog Gone Spoiled, LLC in Seminole Heights. Limited availability. Summer is booking up fast! #doggydaycare #boarding #nocrating #licensedandinsured #twentyfourhouronsitecare #seminoleheightsnumber1doggyresort Tessa loves her weekly swimming lessons!
Our newest Dog Gone Spoiled family member, Luna, LOVES digging in the sandbox here on the fenced in doggy playground. #doggydaycareandboarding #doggyplaygroundonsite #twentyfourhoursonsitecare #nocrating #licensedandinsured #limitedavailability #seminoleheights #opentwentyfourseven
When its yucky outside, here at Dog Gone Spoiled, and we can't be on the playground, we have engagement inside! This is Bella trying to find the treats. She is having to get the different size balls out of the muffin tin to see if there is anything under them. In the 2nd video, Bella must pull out the long string to get the tiny treats that are nestled in the bottle. She had to figure out how to get to the treats!
Molly and Big Brother Rascal love playing in the sand here at DGS! King loves to play fetch and run up the tire gym and wait for the next throw!
Taught Nola how to jump the hurdles. She caught on real quick! Checking out the see saw to see what its all about here on the DGS playground in Seminole Heights!
King playing fetch on the Dog Gone Spoiled, LLC playground here in Seminole Heights! We love our King here!
King playing fetch with Baxter here on the doggy playground at Dog Gone Spoiled, LLC in Seminole Heights.