Hands on house and pet sitting
Would like to share.. (but first grab cup of coffee🥰)
As to why having your pet watched at your residence, is a safer, and more secure option.
Firstly you are in control of the reliability of your fencing and yard. You know it’s safe for your pet.
There is of course, always the possibility of your pet escaping from your yard. However if this happens, your pet is much more likely to be found, if it does get out from your own yard.
This is so because.. your pet has been sniffing the air, knows the smells, knows when people are coming and going, knows other animals close by, and by sight or smell. It has a smell registry for his/her location.
Also your pet may know people in your neighborhood. Should you take your dog on walks, it’s likely your dog, knows the dogs who live around you, and the friendly people smells of meeting them when walking. You are aquatinted with those dog owners. This is very helpful should your dog get out in your neighborhood.
All of this….it goes away, if your dog escape’s from a pet stay in location, other than your home.
In this situation, your pet has no idea where it’s at. No sniff registry for home. In this case, there are no neighbors, who know your dog.
Your pet, in this predicament is very likely to become confused and would likely start to roam ..looking to find home.
Things to consider:
A smaller lost dog, away from it home, in high sage is very hard to find.
If the yard or area of a non home pet stay becomes damaged, does that pet sitter have the money to instantly repair it? Will it be repaired properly, for the continued safety of your pet?
What protocols are in place, should you have your pet at a non home pet stay?
Also when your pet is at your home being watched, it’s just your pet(s) and a pet sitter. No one is coming and going. The normal human activity is much lower.
No one is going to work, no friends are dropping by, everyone in your world knows you’re gone, whomever is in the know.
My point is, that at a non home pet sit..it’s life as normal. There are likely people coming by. Maybe people your dog does not like. Maybe they bring their own dog by. For those visiting that house, they might not be so careful about a door being left open or whatever.
My point is, when a pet is taken out of the very safe home environment .. for a sit..the pet owner has lost control.
I understand for some people and some situations, it’s not possible for a home pet sit.
In those situations I strongly urge pet owners to align with a boarding kennel. These types of places have much more experience in keeping a pet safe. Granted they are not home like. But if you have to leave your pet, and they cannot be watched at home, a kennel type place is a better,and safer bet.
Lastly make arrangements/ alliance’s now. ***Remember Santa Fe has some good kennel options.
People make bad decisions in emergencies. A little planning now can be the difference in coming home to a happy pet.
I’m currently taking dates for November and beyond.
Texting my number is the golden rule.
*Text 530-262-3732 you can also leave your mailing address in a text for my brochure to sent to you.
*Plan your dates as early as 3 -6 months out, for longer trips.
*Shorter ones under two weeks at least 2 months out.
***The calendar is always changing due to clients unknown last minute changes in travel, either in domestic or international.
***So text when in Doubt about possible openings.