Our Lost Acres Homestead

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Our Lost Acres Homestead Small Off-grid Homestead in Tawas City, Michigan! Show Rabbits, Chickens, Eggs, Honey....maybe more!

It was a long day with a bit of a slow start in Alma today but it ended up going faster than we imagined! We went to the...

It was a long day with a bit of a slow start in Alma today but it ended up going faster than we imagined! We went to the WMRBA Don Havlecik Memorial Show at the Gratiot County Fairgrounds! It was hot and busy! We got All Might registered, then showed 6 Harlequins and 2 Polish in Show A and B!

Open Show A Polish:
Butter Creme (Belle) - 5th Broken Sr Buck
Neutron (Gary) - 1st Lilac Jr Doe

Open Show B Polish:
Butter Creme - 5th Broken Sr Buck
Neutron - 1st Lilac Jr Doe

Open Harlequins Show A:
Thorn (Gary) - 2nd Sr Buck
All Might (Garrett) - 1st Sr Buck/BOSV/BOSB
Pop Rocks (Garrett) - 1st Jr Buck
Jasper (Belle) - 2nd Jr Buck
Jawbreaker (Me) - 1st Jr Doe/BOV/BOB
Helium (Me) - 2nd Jr Doe

Open Harlequins Show B:
Thorn - 1st Sr Buck/BOSV/BOSB
All Might - 2nd Sr Buck
Pop Rocks - 1st Jr Buck
Jasper - 2nd Jr Buck
Jawbreaker - 2nd Jr Doe
Helium - 1st Jr Doe/BOV/BOB

Thank you to the Western Michigan Rabbit Breeders Association for hosting the show, we had fun and look forward to next year!

Corgi (XBashful) made us wait extra long (must be because we made her wait so long to breed.....she is almost 11 months ...

Corgi (XBashful) made us wait extra long (must be because we made her wait so long to breed.....she is almost 11 months old 😳) and kindled her litter in the afternoon on Day 32 yesterday! She had 10 kits and looks to have all 4 colors in this litters, just like her mom is known for. Unfortunately, the 1 blue (of course, it had a face split as well) was DOA. There is as least 1 chocolate and the rest are lilac and black! 9 kits left in this litter but 1 runt that we are keeping an eye on! Good job, Corgi!

We had lots of new arrivals this weekend (and a new addition! But she will get a separate post)! 1st picture - Late on t...

We had lots of new arrivals this weekend (and a new addition! But she will get a separate post)!

1st picture - Late on the 22nd, Tonks (XDoodleBug) gave us 4 broken kits and IN her box this time! 3 are chocolate and 1 looks either blue or lilac. They are fat, well fed little hippos; while she pulled so much fur that she naked 🤦‍♀️

2nd picture - Early on the 23rd, Slip (XThorn) kindled 7 kits NEXT to her box again 🤦‍♀️ She had 1 DOA and she has since lost another one, leaving her with 5 kits and most of them are naked! We will not be repeating this pairing, we need markings lol!

3rd picture - Late on the 23rd, Gurgi (XAll Might) gave us 10 KITS and over half of them look BEAUTIFULLY marked! She had them next to the box but this is only her second litter so we will cut her some slack. Checking them this morning, it looks like some are getting skipped at the food bar so we might have to consider fostering a couple.

4th picture - Then finally, on the 24th, we had our final broody hen of the season emerge from her box with her 4 newly hatched chicks! What is so cool about this hen is that she was just hatched on our Homestead last season and she decided she wanted to go broody in her first year! With her newly hatched chicks, we have around 25 chicks waiting to get added to the flock. 3 already got added earlier and we lost a couple between emerging from the nest and feathering but I don't think that's a bad count for a season! Now just to wait and see how many end up being pullets and how many are roosters! We need to rotate our flock so bad lol!

We went to the Lapeer Area Rabbit Raisers Show in Imlay City today! Thank you to the club for hosting such a great show!...

We went to the Lapeer Area Rabbit Raisers Show in Imlay City today! Thank you to the club for hosting such a great show! We took 6 Harlequins (there were 16 each show and we weren't the only ones there!!) and 2 Polish between the 4 of us, each had 2 rabbits.

Show A Polish:

Butter Creme (Belle) - 2nd Broken Sr Buck
Neutron (Gary) - 1st Lilac Jr Doe

Show B Polish:

Butter Creme - 2nd Broken Sr Buck
Neutron - 1st Lilac Jr Doe

Show A Harlequins:

Thorn (Gary) - 1st Sr Buck/BOV/BOB
All Might (Garrett) - 2nd Sr Buck
Pop Rocks (Garrett) - 2nd Jr Buck
Kirishima (Me) - 3rd Jr Buck
Helium (Belle) - DQ
Jawbreaker (Me) - 1st Jr Doe/BOSV/BOSB

Show B Harlequins:

Thorn - 1st Sr Buck/BOV/BOB
All Might - 2nd Sr Buck
Pop Rocks - 2nd Jr Buck
Kirishima - 1st Jr Buck
Helium - 4th Jr Doe
Jawbreaker - 1st Jr Doe

I think between the 2 shows, we will have 5 legs coming! And we got Thorn registered today while we were there. Since he won another 2 legs today, he will also be able to be Granded when I get his Registration number and legs from the show! It was so great seeing our rabbit friends and getting to talk all things bunny! Thanks again to LARR for hosting a great show!

We had 3 litters born this passed week here!-1st picture: Before C (XSpook) had 12 kits on July 15th, though 2 were DOA ...

We had 3 litters born this passed week here!

-1st picture: Before C (XSpook) had 12 kits on July 15th, though 2 were DOA so she is raising a litter of 10! She pulled so much fur that I had to remove some but all kits are doing great!

-2nd picture: Mad Hatter (XThorn) had her first litter on Jully 16th! She is Belle's rabbit and our rabbitry's 1st Grand Champion. She was bred with Gary's rabbit, who has one leg so far and has also been receiving lots of compliments from judges. She had 9 kits but being a 1st time mom, one was on the wire and I didn't find it in time to save it and one was DOA. So she has 7 kits and some of them look VERY promising, we are excited about this litter!

-3rd picture: Reese's Cup (XDoodle Bug) had 9 kits on July 17th and 9 kits is what she still has! This litter was a bit of an experiment.......😜

Reese's Cup and Mad Hatter also pulled triple the amount of fur needed in this heat, especially Reese's Cup, so we added some fur to our donation bag, lol.

These 4 litters never got posted about because they arrived during a VERY busy time and I have fallen way behind on pict...

These 4 litters never got posted about because they arrived during a VERY busy time and I have fallen way behind on picture updates. Bentone and Pippin's litters arrived on June 5th, while Cauldron and Tonks followed on June 6th.

-Bentone (XDoodle Bug) had 6 kits. 3 Charlie's, 1 Broken Chocolate, 1 Solid Chocolate, and 1 Solid Black. They are all doing great!
-Pippin (XRottweiler) had 11 kits. She struggled a bit in the beginning since she is a first time mom and we had to do a couple table feedings while she got the hang of it and she lost 2 kits while she figured it out. But the remaining 9 kits are thriving and doing great!
-Tonks (XToby) had 5 kits and did great as usual. Her 5 are squirrely and keeping us on our toes just like normal!
-Cauldron (XOpossum) also had 11 kits, though she had 1 DOA. She lost 1 during our 3 day heatwave and we found another had passed and got pushed to the bottom of the nestbox. Her remaining 8 kits are doing great!

All 4 litters are now almost 5 weeks old!

This is how we spent our 4th of July morning, stripping tree bark! Gary taught Garrett and Belle how to use a drawblade ...

This is how we spent our 4th of July morning, stripping tree bark! Gary taught Garrett and Belle how to use a drawblade while William and I just helped hold the Trees so they didn't flop around. Why strip the bark...? We are using the bark to tan our first rabbit hides! This is a new experience for all of us and we can't wait to see how it turns out.

We combined two tutorials that Gary and I watched to get this far. The tree bark gets boiled down for an hour and then cooled before the hides get added. The brown that the tree is turning is what we are looking for, it's called tannus. And pulling the tanned from the bark is what will tan the hides. It's supposed to make them more supple than a chemical, make them smell better, be a more vibrant color, and be more cost efficient since we have Trees all over. The stripped trees are going to get dried out and we want to use them for spindles when we redo our stairs! We have 16 hides in the tannus mixture and can't wait to see how they turn out!

Our 5th broody hen had a bit of an odd time. She had 1 egg hatch 4 days before her clutch was due to start hatching. So ...

Our 5th broody hen had a bit of an odd time. She had 1 egg hatch 4 days before her clutch was due to start hatching. So she hatched the one egg and then left the rest of her clutch before they even had a chance to try to hatch 🤦‍♀️

Enter our incubator! We had 1 chick hatch the next morning (it went under her that night), 3 chicks hatch the next day (went out that night), and 2 more on the final day! We had another hatch but it passed away in the incubator and the remaining eggs weren't viable. So that momma hatched one egg herself and got 6 more delivered to her for a total of 7! Our Broody Hen fly cage sounds like TSC right now with 19 chicks in it and 3 Mamma Hens!

We also have a 6th hen that is thinking about going broody.....chicks all around! #2024

4th broody hen of the season is hatching her eggs! She managed to keep all 12 of her eggs under her the whole 3 weeks! C...

4th broody hen of the season is hatching her eggs! She managed to keep all 12 of her eggs under her the whole 3 weeks! Chicks started hatching yesterday and she has 3 eggs left under her while 1 is in process of hatching, so 10 chicks so far in her brood!

Our first broody hen of the season (with her 2nd hatch foster) is done raising her chicks (she keeps trying to get back to the flock and has been displaying submissive behavior) so her and her chicks will he integrated back into the flock tonight to make room for the 5th broody coming up. Her chicks are 7.5 and 5.5 weeks old and doing great, she did an amazing job raising them! #2024

We have our 3rd broody hen of the season in process of hatching her brood! She is a snot though and a hen that we inheri...

We have our 3rd broody hen of the season in process of hatching her brood! She is a snot though and a hen that we inherited and she will not let me look underneath her without a lot of added stress. She got moved last night so that our flock can't eat the chicks (unfortunately, they have been). One chick so far, she had 7 eggs under her total so we will see how many hatch! The black hen was our first broody mama and she is raising her 2 remaining chicks great, along with her 1 foster chick from our 2nd broody mama that was a terrible mom and only had 1 surviving chick. And look at the last chick: Black fluff on it feet! I'm thinking it must have had a Light Brahma sire and Easter Egger/Americauna mom because of the striped/spot chest feathers!

2 other broody mama's are still sitting on eggs but have another week or so before hatch day! Chicks are coming!

We had a great day at the Saginaw Valley Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association Show today in Corunna, MI! It was a double s...

We had a great day at the Saginaw Valley Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association Show today in Corunna, MI! It was a double show and there were 19 Harlequins in Show A and 16 in Show B! It was such a great turnout! We got Mad Hatter and March Hare registered and also got Mad Hatter Grand Championed (!She is our first GC rabbit!)!

Show A Harlequins:
Corgi (OLAH4BP2) - 1st SR Doe
Thorn (OLAH2SP1) - 2nd SR Buck
March Hare (OLAH2GB2) - 1st SR Buck & BOB/BOV
Pop Rocks (OLAHSPY2) - 3rd JR Buck
Caramel (OLAHSPY1) - 2nd JR Buck
Kirishima (OLAH1RS2) - 1st JR Buck

Show A Polish:
Butter Creme (BT1) - 1st JR Buck

Show B Harlequins:
Corgi - 1st SR Doe & BOSB/BOSV
Thorn - 1st SR Buck & BOB/BOV
March Hare - 2nd SR Buck
Pop Rocks - 2nd JR Buck
Caramel - 1st JR Buck
Kirishima - 5th JR Buck

Show B Polish:
Butter Creme - 1st JR Buck

We got lots of compliments on type again on our Harlequins and are loving how far we are coming. It was great seeing everyone and was a great day. Thank you to the club for running a great show! *x

More pictures from the Heart of Michigan show in Fowlerville on May 11th!

More pictures from the Heart of Michigan show in Fowlerville on May 11th!

On May 10th, we had 4 litters due and then a 5th due on the 13th. Finally got pictures of all of them so here they are!1...

On May 10th, we had 4 litters due and then a 5th due on the 13th. Finally got pictures of all of them so here they are!

1st picture: Glutton (XOpossum) had 10 kits early morning on May 11th before we left for Fowlerville, she had 9 blacks and 1 blue and they are all doing great!

2nd picture: Reese's Cup (XOpossum) had 14 kits(!!!!) sometime on May 11th while we were at the show in Fowlerville. Unfortunately, some looked unfed so we fostered so to Jewel so she could better handle them. We took 5 to give to Jewel leaving her with 9 and they are doing great! All 14 are black!

3rd picture: Before C (XRottweiler) had 10 kits sometime on May 11th while we were at the show in Fowlerville. She had 1 DOA, leaving her with 9! All 9 kits are black and doing great!

4th picture: Jewel (XCobalt) had 4 kits (her smallest litter yet) in late afternoon on May 12th! They are chubby little chonkers and look great!

5th picture: Jewel's litter with 4 of her fosters from Reese's Cup, the 5th one was too small and passed. Jewel is now raising 8 kits and they are all doing amazing! She is being great as a foster mom!

6th picture: Lastly was Clarabella. She started building her nest on May 13th in the morning but made no progress all day. She kindled 4 kits (2 broken and 2 solid) late morning on May 14th. They are doing well!

Saturday, we went to the Heart of Michigan Rabbit Show in Fowlerville! Belle was in charge of pictures lol, but she only...

Saturday, we went to the Heart of Michigan Rabbit Show in Fowlerville! Belle was in charge of pictures lol, but she only sent me half of what she took because she keeps getting distracted 😝

It was a good show but cold! We got Corgi registered (Mad Hatter and March Hare were 2 weeks shy of being old enough and Thorn has a few months).

Open Show A:

Mad Hatter (Belle)- 1st Sr Doe and BOB (3rd leg!)
March Hare (Bear) - 1st Sr Buck and BOSB
Corgi (Me) - 2nd Sr Doe
Thorn (Gary) - 1st Jr Buck
All Might (Bear) - 2nd Jr Buck
Todoroki (Belle) - 3rd Jr Buck

Open Show B:

Mad Hatter - 2nd Sr Doe
March Hare - 1st Sr Buck and BOB (1st leg!)
Corgi - 1st Sr Doe and BOSB
Thorn - 2nd Jr Buck
All Might - 3rd Jr Buck
Todoroki - 1st Jr Buck

We got lots of compliments on their type and how great it was, which is so awesome to hear when we have been trying to get rid of the long shoulders! Thank you to the Heart of Michigan Rabbit Club for hosting such a great show, we had a good time and look forward to next year!

We had our first broody hatch of the year and it's their first venture outside today! This broody Mamma was given a doze...

We had our first broody hatch of the year and it's their first venture outside today! This broody Mamma was given a dozen marked eggs. Throughout the 3 weeks, she unfortunately had 5 of those eggs cracked and we had to toss them which left her with 7 on hatch day. Out of the 7, 4 hatched but one chick went missing and we don't know what happened to it. So she has 3 chicks! The 2 little black chicks have tufted feet so they either have a Light Brahma sire or were laid by one of our Light Brahma hens!

We have another broody Mamma still sitting on her dozen eggs and she has managed to keep all 12 intact, she has another week or so. We will see how her hatch goes!

Before C's does of her litter!

Before C's does of her litter!

Today was weaning day for Jewel, Reese's Cup, Glutton, and Before C's litter! 35 kits got weaned today (we only two buck...

Today was weaning day for Jewel, Reese's Cup, Glutton, and Before C's litter! 35 kits got weaned today (we only two bucks that wanted to cause a problem, the rest are doing great!) These are Before C's bucks at 5 weeks old! She has 12 kits and actually had 6 bucks and 6 does!!

Reese's Cup's kits are also 6 weeks old! We had 4 litters born within a 3 days of each other. She was an iffy mom at the...

Reese's Cup's kits are also 6 weeks old! We had 4 litters born within a 3 days of each other. She was an iffy mom at the start but she got it figured out and now it's almost weaning day and she didn't lose a single kit!

Next up is Glutton's Litter! Again, these were taken last weekend but it's been a busy week! So these are their 5 week p...

Next up is Glutton's Litter! Again, these were taken last weekend but it's been a busy week! So these are their 5 week pictures but they turn 6 weeks old today! Glutton didn't get her name for nothing, she has been eating since we picked her up and is a big rabbit. Her kits are always big. This litter is rivaling Jewel's litter in size even though Jewel's are part Flemish! Weaning day will be this week!

This is a table full of bunny! This is Jewel's litter, the FlemishXHarlequin meat mix litter. We took this last weekend ...

This is a table full of bunny! This is Jewel's litter, the FlemishXHarlequin meat mix litter. We took this last weekend but I've had a busy week lol, they are now 6 weeks old and this was 5 weeks! Jewel kept her streak of being doe heavy or completely even. This is a litter of 10 and there are 5 bucks and 5 does! The one with the little white toe tips is a buck.

Tonks kits are just over a week old and look how rich their color is getting! There are 3 blue, 1 black, and 1 chocolate...

Tonks kits are just over a week old and look how rich their color is getting! There are 3 blue, 1 black, and 1 chocolate!

These 4 litters are gaining fur and some are opening eyes! They will all be 2 weeks old this week (3 on Tuesday and 1 on...

These 4 litters are gaining fur and some are opening eyes! They will all be 2 weeks old this week (3 on Tuesday and 1 on Wednesday).

-1st picture: Slip (paired with Pocky) has 7 kits remaining with her. 1 chocolate, 1 lilac, 1 blue, and 4 black. Her remaining kits were fostered to Cauldron. Harlequin.
-2nd picture: Cauldron (paired with Spook) has 7 kits remaining since she lost one when it crawled out of the nestbox, it was one of her own kits and not a foster. Her own litter consists of 3 blacks while her fosters are 3 chocolates and 1 very naked blue that looks like a mouse. Harlequin.
-3rd picture: Bentone (paired with Toby) still has all 4 of her kits and is slowly starting to calm down with us being around them. 1 solid black, 2 broken Black, and 1 broken chocolate. Polish.
-4th picture: Gurgi (paired with Rottweiler) still has all 8 of her kits with her and they are all doing great, she is a great mom which is unfortunate. All her kits are black. Harlequin.

While we were at the show in Evart on Saturday, Tonks was busy kindling on her due date! She had them next to her box ag...

While we were at the show in Evart on Saturday, Tonks was busy kindling on her due date! She had them next to her box again, the picture of the box is after I moved them and put the box where she had them lol. She had 5 solid kits: 3 blues, 1 black, and 1 chocolate!

We went to our second show of the year yesterday in Evart hosted by the Osceola Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association! This...

We went to our second show of the year yesterday in Evart hosted by the Osceola Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association! This was our first year at this one and it was so packed! We ended up having to sit outside (luckily the sun came out and was decent weather for most of the day) and had to go in and out to hear what was being announced. We all had a good time though.

Open Show A:
Corgi (My rabbit) - BOSB/BOSV (Best Opposite S*x Breed/Best Opposite S*x Variety)
Mad Hatter (Belle's rabbit)- 2nd in Senior Doe class
March Hare (Bear's rabbit)- 2nd in Junior Buck class
Thorn (Gary's rabbit)- 3rd in Junior Buck class
Pippin (took as an extra entry) - 1st in Junior Doe class
Congrats to Maddie Pratt on her BOB/BOV win with her Junior Buck!

Open Show B:
Corgi - 2nd in Senior Doe class
Mad Hatter - BOB/BOV (Best of Breed/Best of Variety)
March Hare - 2nd in Junior Buck class
Thorn - 3rd in Junior Buck class
Pippin - 1st in Junior Doe class
Congrats to Maddie Pratt with her BOSB/BOSV win with her Junior Buck!

*xBreed *xVariety

Gurgi kindled her litter early this morning Before breakfast! She is a first time as well, we had 3 first time moms this...

Gurgi kindled her litter early this morning Before breakfast! She is a first time as well, we had 3 first time moms this go round. She had them next to the box but built a beautiful nest with lots of fur (they still got put in a box). She had 9 kits total but one was DOA, leaving her with 8 kits!

We also took 4 kits from Slip (3 chocolate and 1 naked blue) and gave them to Cauldron. So litter totals for this go round are:







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