Today Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino got her nails done! 💅🏻
Our fabulous farrier, Daniel of Natural Barefoot Farrier, Promoting a Healthy Barefoot Horse. used the grinder and she didn’t even flinch! She is such a great horse!!
Making sure Pumpkin looks her absolute best for the Expo on Saturday! 😍
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Here is Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino’s movement video!
WTC right, rollback, WTC left, stop.
She still struggles with cantering on the lunge line but has made major progress with how she carries herself.
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Here is Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino working with the water / tarp obstacle!
I had lead her over it at the walk and she didn’t mind so I wanted to try trotting it to see if she would care about a splash and again… she didn’t care! She’s been FANTASTIC about obstacles since the beginning!
We had a little hiccup in the beginning of this video where I was asking for her to lunge while I was walking with her but she did a rollback - that was totally my fault but it does show how in-tune Pumpkin is!
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Here Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino is working on sidepassing over the raised pole that is also a corner…! She knocked her leg on the corner where we were turning which was totally my fault - I wasn’t paying attention. 😅 She recovered very well though. Her reaction looked way worse from my POV but watching back she hardly did anything!
Pumpkin is a bit lazy sidepassing away from me and struggles staying straight while not moving forward or backwards - you can see me trying to correct her a few times throughout this video - but does fantastic sidepassing towards me.
Overall her sidepassing has made major progress though!!
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Working on our rollbacks on a loose line! Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino has improved so much with her rollbacks! She’s engaging her hindquarters a lot more and adding speed while still staying calm.
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Here Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino is working on staying in-tune with me even with something in between us at Liberty. This exercise also works on direction changes.
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Here Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino is doing some Liberty circles without the whip - just body language!
I was a bit worried she would drift away going right… but she didn’t! Her stops are also getting wayyy better. For a while she struggled with stepping into me when I ask for her to stop - she would take a step towards me and push into me. Her doing that was definitely my fault for never correcting it. Now, she stops very nicely and stands waiting for me to come to her to give her pets.
I’m so so proud of her!
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Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino is getting pretty good at lining up to the mounting block!
To any potential adopters - Pumpkin has never been ridden before! I’ve been getting a few sits on her but she has NEVER been truly ridden!! She’ll definitely be a fun horse to start though!
In this video you can see I did have to tap her with my whip to ask more for her hindquarters but I’m sure after we work on this a little more that won’t be necessary!
She’s also already starting to do a bit of collection/stretching her head down without me having to ask for much.
When I was doing lateral flexion she got a bit stuck on her left side so I just held pressure trying to pull her head over to the other side. She’s new to having the “reins” so her getting stuck was totally not a big deal.
So proud of her! ❤️
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Here Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino is standing quietly ground tied with a personal horse, Xavier. Ground tying has become one of Pumpkin’s best skills! 🤩
All I have to do is drop the rope and say a firm “Woah” or just say “Woah” for when we are at Liberty.
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Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino and I are working on rollbacks while on the lunge line without the whip! To cue her I step in front of her shoulder and say “step” - I had to use a vocal cue with a one-eyed horse I’m working with so it just stuck. I think everything should have a vocal cue though so that you really are able to tell if the horse is listening.
On her second rollback in this video you can see she got a little confused and tried to go back the way she was going - I just stepped in front of her more and added energy to let her know step in front means go the other way, no matter what. My goal with this is to be able to give her the cue and she goes straight into a rollback, no questions asked!
She’s made a whole lot of progress with rollbacks though! She didn’t know what they were when we first got her and when we first got into working on them, she really needed a lot of guidance with her halter. Now, I hardly ever use her halter for guidance on the lunge line.
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Working on sending back in the open with Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino!
She turns her forehand away from me because I think she thinks I’m asking her to send away as I would while lunging or round penning. She’s learning the difference though!
She needed a little bit more encouragement to come to me this time but once she did she committed!!
I think it’s so cute when she tosses her head in her trot transitions - she just looks so excited to do stuff. ❤️
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Working on Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino’s sending back!
Normally she would trot over to me but it’s ok that she decided to walk - I’ve worked on sending back just not in a “chute” so since it’s something new she can take her time!
We are trying to get everything straighter so it looks nicer when performing - she’s so smart!
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