The feline preferred winter interaction.
Alpha loved his treats during his vaccine visit today but a tennis ball is the real way to his heart.
The Sunny Misad"Venture"s of our hedgehog: a not so sunny snow day!
Shadow was in for his first visit today. The boisterous German shepherd puppy was enthusiastic about licking the treat mat clean. Yummy!
Our most festive patient of the day: Wyntur Star. Her name couldn't be more fitting. Happy Holidays everyone!
This time of year remember to choose your pet costumes wisely and take time to get your furry ones accustomed to wearing them so everyone can have a good holiday. May the force be with you all.
We try to keep our patients happy while they are hospitalized. Kassidy's love of the duster helps to keep his spirits up.
We're sure everyone is hating this 50° weather today. Here was one old feller playing with his little sister in the snow this weekend at the clinic. The snow was fun for some anyway.
Sprite and Pepsi think it's a nice weekend for some furry fun. The darker one (Pepsi) is completely blind but doesn't let it slow him down. Have a good one!
Hi, guys! Here's a video demonstrating clicker training with an African serval. People can use this method to teach animals all sorts of things. For example in zoos you can get the big cats to go where you need them and have them show you their paw to check for injuries and stuff. It works on pets at home, too.
The clinic will be closed today as there is not sufficient staff due to the inclement weather. Please be safe and stay warm!
This video was taken Wednesday night. The dog doing the chasing may be completely blind but he's not going to let that ruin a good snow. 😀
Make sure your pets have plenty of water in the heat this summer.