Turned Away by Thomasville Humane Society & Animal Control

Turned Away by Thomasville Humane Society & Animal Control By the animals turned away from Thomas County Humane Society. (some are dead due to lack of response)

Created to address the many issues and concerns the public have related to Thomasville Thomas County Humane Society & Animal Control (or lack of Animal Control) actions and fiduciary practices.


WHY would Thomasville Humane STILL have a truck with the letters "ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION" in bold letters. Is that to deceive people? Is that because there is not enough money to remove some letters? Hope all the HEART WORM funds show up as RESTRICTED SINCE THEY HAVE HAD HUGE ISSUES IN THE PAST WITH USING RESTRICTED FUNDS.

Most Board members are held to a higher standards, but evidently Thomasville Humane never got that memo..That a Board me...

Most Board members are held to a higher standards, but evidently Thomasville Humane never got that memo..

That a Board member is let in the building before hours is not such a big deal. But that a Board member is let in earlier then the general public to adopt a dog that a citizen had already filled out a interest form on (and was the only one, the Board member had not filled out the form)
THIS citizen has fostered for the organization, so if they can foster one would think the citizen would be more then qualified to adopt a dog. Plus, there is no policy of "qualifying" to adopt.
THEN the Board member is allowed to adopt the dog before hours... (hope they paid full price or was the dog from TEXAS given away for free)
THEN the Board member called the citizen and was confrontational and rude. Even stating something to the effect that she wanted the citizen to qualify why she was a good fit for the dog, but had no intention of transferring the dog to the citizen, just a mean nasty phone call.
ANGELA P. WILLIAMSON...great start as a new board member, you have shown your real colors early.

It's all about the animals..RIGHT? Any real rescue would understand the concern when contacted by a owner of a old dog t...

It's all about the animals..RIGHT? Any real rescue would understand the concern when contacted by a owner of a old dog that had gotten away. Isn't it odd that a Human Society DID NOT refer a person that did not know that Animal Services was now under the county, and give out the number of Animal Services or Dispatch, so they could reach out about their 14 1/2 year old dog. NOPE, a Humane Society just blew them off...again. Thank goodness for real rescues that care about the animals. Got care for a old over heated dog, kept her safe, and contacted her owners. Shacking our heads once again...because it is about the dogs!


Oh HAPPY DAY!. The Director has been schmoozing for a new position while at Best Friends Conference. How cool that Thomas Humane paid for his job hunting.



All that crap about "euthanizing at will" the the Director spread repetitively.  And they still won't admit they are wro...

All that crap about "euthanizing at will" the the Director spread repetitively. And they still won't admit they are wrong...AGAIN. SHADY IS AS SHADY DOES!

"The Director" is speaking at the Best Friends 2023 Conference. Wonder what his subject will be this year.1. How not to ...

"The Director" is speaking at the Best Friends 2023 Conference. Wonder what his subject will be this year.
1. How not to report Dog Bites Required by Law?
2. How a "State Leader in Best Practices" can blow a county contract, and blame it on everyone else?
3. How a person working in Animal Welfare "specializing in field services, managed intake, and community relations and education" doesn't even work with his own Georgia County Animal Services and Why?
4. How multiple burned cat faces from his agency's WELLNESS WAGON happened during routine TNR Spay & Neuters?
5. How to take dogs in under the term "Owner Surrender" and get paid for it, even if the person don't own the animal.
5. How to spend agency money on your own kids Christmas presents?
6. How to reek of pot but call it "My medicine" in emails to his wife?
7. How to be a Ex-cop, have 32 security cameras that don't work, and have no clue about who dumped dogs at THS.
8. How to have the President of the Board's husband pose as a fake attorney to ask questions of the woman whistleblower regarding Sexual Harassment accusations from "the Director"?
9. How to dump TRN cats on a empty lot and not return them to their colony, so he can count the Hit by Cars on Pavo Rd and joke about them?
Many Many more subjects that "The Director" is so well versed could be discussed.

IMAGINE the County Commissions finding out ONCE AGAIN that the Humane Society was NOT doing the right thing, or followin...

IMAGINE the County Commissions finding out ONCE AGAIN that the Humane Society was NOT doing the right thing, or following the law. Especially when the Director made the comment to the effect he didn't think family owned dogs that bit needed to be reported. If you read the Dog bite law, no where does it mention any bites that meet the requirements don't need reported. Of course most times they never even responded to see the damage done by the dog or cat bite.

This is about as horrific as the cat they left to fry in a trap from the sun/heat that they left on a person's front por...

This is about as horrific as the cat they left to fry in a trap from the sun/heat that they left on a person's front porch for them to come home to. In-Humane would be a suggestion for the next name change. (Graphic pic of a horrific burn on a cat's face in comments)


Why would you purchase Security Cameras and not install them? Security cameras that could show crimes being committed like Puppies being dumped, smoking pot on the premises, or sexual misconduct? Most security cameras work better when installed, and are not in the closet for almost two years. What are you afraid of recording? Your Workers Comp company thought you had these and were a drug free work place. Time for a workers comp audit!

HOW is there no video footage of puppies being dumped at a Humane Society that has good security cameras?How is it puppi...

HOW is there no video footage of puppies being dumped at a Humane Society that has good security cameras?
How is it puppies are cleaned up, and posed for a photo shoot before notifying local Animal Services? How is it that a entity that claims to have superior knowledge of law, and boast about following the law, yet DOESN'T FOLLOW THE LAW until they prep for their public post, and prepared their passive aggressive post for Social Media.
They are not upset with the person that dumped the dogs. Let that sit in. They are not upset with a person that dumped puppies! Yet they have turned away so many that did not have $150 "surrender fee" even when they were under contract, and in the last few weeks.
Surely they did not touch the bin the puppies were dumped in, so law enforcement could check for prints.
Word is they never let the sheriff's office know about the dumped puppies until late afternoon. Why is that? Needed the photo shoot first. The first pic shows the pups were found in the morning, and the even state they found in the morning, but did not contact law enforcement. WTH?
What medical care did these pups need that could have been documented by law enforcement to apply even more charges against the offender?
Very odd that a photo shoot was needed before following the law. But then TTCHS Director has a tough time following the law.
It was most interesting when they paused comments while they deleted any views that were not in line with their agenda, and blocked people.
This entity continues on their path of self destruction, but blame the County Commissioners for their own actions that have put them out of a contract.
This entity continues to spread propaganda, and encourage intention untruths, and cheers on false impressions. Notice they never correct false information, just promote their agenda.
No wonder the surrounding counties want nothing to do with them and their unprofessional untrue attacks of others, and unlawful deeds while it is them, and them alone that have caused this issue.
(a real organization word offer to help the animals, and not need a public post to bash anyone)
Thomas County citizen's without knowing all the facts are being played by this entity.
The Director and Board of Directors are heading for implosion, and will blame others, but not themselves.



More half info, half truths, untruths and 100 percent CRAPOLA...1. Why doesn't TTCHS pick up stray animals? BECAUSE THEY...

More half info, half truths, untruths and 100 percent CRAPOLA...

1. Why doesn't TTCHS pick up stray animals? BECAUSE THEY LOST THE CONTRACT with Thomas County. The Sheriff's Office is now in charge, and they have a Animal Services Division.
2. Why did they lose the contract with Thomas County? Because there were many concerns and reports of TTCHS not following the contract and the Laws of the State of Georgia.
3. Dogs are property in the State of Georgia. FINDERS IS NOT KEEPERS.
***Being a "Friendly Finder" with TTCHS is not a legal option when you find a stray. Turning them into the Veterinarians office is not a legal option.
If you are a "Friendly Finder" for TTCHS, what happens after 5 days? Do you have 100 percent confirmation the animal was reported to the Sheriff's office and posted as found on the Sheriff's office page? Do you have a legal transfer from the Thomas County Sheriff's office? If not, you are not a legal owner, and the 5 day hold only applies to the legal entity that has Animal Control/Services powers. (see post from TTCHS)
4. People need to follow the law when it comes to animals they deem to be strays and not convert them to their own without due diligence to find a rightful owner.
GA Code § 16-8-6 (2021)
"A person commits the offense of theft of lost or mislaid property when he comes into control of property that he knows or learns to have been lost or mislaid and appropriates the property to his own use without first taking reasonable measures to restore the property to the owner."
5. This includes TTCHS that apparently offers to take a found animal if the finder states the animal belongs to the finder and the finder pays a surrender fee. Looks like "Theft by receiving" would could apply here. (and you wonder why the Commissioners were concerned about TTCHS not following the laws of the State of Georgia)
GA Code § 16-8-7 (2021)
A person commits the offense of theft by receiving stolen property when he receives, disposes of, or retains stolen property which he knows or should know was stolen unless the property is received, disposed of, or retained with intent to restore it to the owner. "Receiving" means acquiring possession or control or lending on the security of the property.
6. The process and procedures have been shared with TTCHS. Yet instead of a professional response on who to call, they post to call your County Commissioners. P.S. Your County Commissioners will tell you to call Animal Services. (does TTCHS really think all this passive aggressive behavior will help them? Appears many large donors have walked away and plan on staying away.)
7. Why would they provide Rescue Contacts, when Rescues all need to follow the law too? It is illegal to turn a animal over to a Rescue without following the law that TTCHS posted. (see number 4)
8. Did you know the legal owner of a animal retains ownership even if a "Friendly finder" transfers a animal out. And that you can be sued?
9. Word is, there has been no Euthanasia since January 1, 2023. NOT 1, Zero, Zip, Nada. But there has been vet treatment.
10. So the other UNTRUE crap posted by TTCHS that the County Commission "does not prioritize life saving, and are willing to Euthanize at will", is once again not true, bogus, deceitful, dishonest, distorted, erroneous, fake, fanciful, faulty, fictitious, fraudulent, inaccurate, incorrect, invalid, misleading, mistaken, phony, specious, spurious, unfounded.
11. How many other statements might be False? Misrepresented? or just plain made up to tell people?


From the "You can't make this $hit up" files.
2/14/23 evidently the President of the Humane Society was asked to take her seat after 3 people (per policy) had already spoke on the Animal Control issue.
Speakers are limited to 3 speakers with 3 minutes each person allotted per issue, as per policy.
The 3 people spoke, then the President also wanted to speak on the same subject.
Why would the public policy not apply to this President, as it does to each and every other citizen in Thomas County? Is this another example of "the rules don't apply to us?"

Why wouldn't a professional with a law degree, pick up the phone, and make arrangements to meet with the County Manager before the new shelter was planned? Like the first week in January?

2/15/23 Per the letter from the County Manager posted on the Humane Society's website, 7 out of 8 County Commissioners were informed by another member of the Humane Society's Board that the Humane Society was preparing a alternate contract proposal to resume Animal Control Services in Thomas County. This was at a Public meeting that starts at 8:30am. 7 out of 8 Commissioners indicated they were not interested in considering any contract proposal with Thomasville Thomas County Humane Society.

This meeting was early in the morning. BUT still a member of the Board tried to hand deliver the proposed contract, Even though they had been told NO THANK YOU!

Then the Humane Society states on their website "Commissioners had decided - in a vote taken without public notice - that “they were no longer interested in considering any contract proposal” from TTCHS." BUT there is public notice of each and every meeting of the Commissioners. And the contract had expired and the decisions was made not to renew a contract. So there was no need of a "public notice".

The Humane Society has finally removed the untrue statements about the County willing to euthanize at will, and the unprofessional statements of blame, but they are back at the passive aggressive schpeal. They even state "This proposal addresses all concerns of the Board of Commissioners enumerated in their press release."
Actually, that is not true. But then, they have not listened or really heard anyone, but their own drum.

We wonder if they have reached out to help the Sheriff's office with placing any dogs or puppies.
Since they claim "TTCHS believes in saving lives and seeing the homeless pets of our community into forever homes. This is our mission."
We are positive they are reaching out to see if they can help any of those innocent pets. ...RIGHT?

The level of unprofessionalism of their website posts continues to amaze many. You just can't make this $hit up.

Kinda like when someone was told to sit down, but didn't until she was asked three times.
Kinda like when they were told "No, we are not interested", but kept going with a proposal. (interestingly the date on the pdf is the day after all these exchanges)
Kinda like when they were told specifics about accounting practices that they did not meet in the prior contract, but still didn't correct the proposed contract.
There is much more, but our pizza is getting cold.



Many have asked why a NEW contract was not signed. Why is Animal Services now under the County.
1. Could it be that accurate precise accounting of funds that were required per the 2012-2022 contract were not provided?
2. Perhaps the services outlined in the previous contract were not provided?
3. Some wondered if it is because Georgia law was not followed regarding Dog Bites.
4. Did the "line in the sand" statement from November 29th, 2022 email stating "this is our best and final offer" add to the equation?
5. Was "Shelter Math" a contributing factor? (where figures do not add up to others reported)
6. Was there a consideration of the 100% false statement on their website about the Commissioners "are willing to euthanize at will"?
7. Did the hundreds that reported their personal rude "Chandler Experiences" figure in?
8. Did "flipping the bird" to citizens by the Director add any weight?
9. Did the deliberate mud splash incident by the Director, and a failure to apologize like a adult account for anything?
10. Did the fact that a "Drug Free Work Place" requirement was ignored, and Animal Control were driving County vehicles help the determination?
11. Could it be the President's husband posing as an attorney against Georgia Law, and the Bar rules play into this?
12. Would it have anything to do with a contract that rewards a Director large amounts of money, while the shelter needs serious updating and routine maintenance?
13. The animals that are to be protected from extreme heat or cold and are not per GA LAW might have been part of the determinations.
14. Then there are the 5 original Commissioner's concerns voiced and written that were never addressed, and blatantly ignored.
15. One could wonder if it was the lack of proof or even followup per GA Law that every animal that leaves the shelter be Spayed or Neutered? The shelter is responsible for this even though they transferred the animals out to other organizations.
16. The comment from the Director that they will need to Euthanize for space, and they just Euthanized for space two weeks ago to a local supporter/donor Thomas County citizen in late 2022?
17. Was it the fact that TTCHS in their proposed contract wanted to be held harmless in any claim or dispute from the performance of the contract?
18. That the Board appears to serve at the whim of the Director, instead of the Director serving under the Board make an impression to not renew a contract?
19. One never knows but perhaps Part H "Limitation of Interpretation" that stated NOTHING in the contract will change the way the Humane Society wants to do business, any of their actions, lawlessness, lack of fiduciary duty, no action by the board for NOT adhering to the contract etc.
20. That the Board appears to allow and encourage inappropriate workplace & volunteer behavior instead of condemning such acts.OVER AND OVER AGAIN, might have been discussed.
21. Open Records requests are not provided per GA law, and the Director who is in charge of those request openly refuses or stated untruths in responses to request could be on the list.
22. Could it be there were many many calls to the Commissioners in support, positive re-enforcement that they were making the right decision to move forward?
23. Email addresses being blocked from being received when they had a government contract in violation of GA Law might have made the list, along with blocking citizens and deleting Facebook post that did not agree with their agenda might have added to the determination.
24. That the Director alone is in charge of the Accounting software, and deleted Board members without asking, when he was given Admin rights to the software seems it might have been a concern.
25. A total lack of Fiduciary Duty could have been a consideration.
26. The Audit of 911 calls regarding Animal Control duties, and how only 20 percent were responded to by contracted Animal Control was definitely factor. Along with many stating calls that were answered they were told, "We're full, we can't help."
27. We are curious if it was the large donors/benefactors that have withdrawn their support because of continued concerns added to the County's decision to move forward on their own. That a puppy was found on a generous donor's property covered in ticks, but refused by TTCHS when they were under contract and stated they were a open admission shelter, says a lot. Then they reach out asked for more $$ support from the donor, might have reached the Commissioner's ears.
28. That TTCHS claimed 70 percent of their animals were strays, while only 40 percent of their income was from the contract, and those strays and funds are removed, why would they claim the services they elevated at their cost would be removed? Perhaps the Commissioners as real business men know that statement doesn't add up?
29. Co-mingling of funds is a huge No-No. Same with using business funds for personal use. We are pretty sure that was on the list of considerations.
30. Transparency and Accountability are important in organizations that have Government Contracts. The County knows these laws, and they are tasked with enforcing the same from their vendors/contractors. When information requests are refused, it might be a red flag added to the list.
There is more than likely many other reasons, but we wonder if these issues were considered. WE STAND WITH THOMAS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS.

When people who do not live in Thomas County, and many don't even live in Georgia sign a petition for something that is ...

When people who do not live in Thomas County, and many don't even live in Georgia sign a petition for something that is done and settled...Here's your sign.

WHY would a so called Animal Advocate spread more UNTRUTH? Why would a educated person that has professional credentials...

WHY would a so called Animal Advocate spread more UNTRUTH? Why would a educated person that has professional credentials (RT)(R)(CT)(MR) call officials names? Would it be okay if the Commissioners and the Mayor called her names? Why if you cared so much, wouldn't you get the complete story. AND most interesting, WHY if your knowledge is so vast, are you not offering to help?

This person has not fostered any of the dogs found as strays. WHY? If it is truly the animals you care about, wouldn't you help all animals? Why would you penalize a animal because of the entity that had possession/found/reported found?

It appears the County has been visiting other shelters, working with the Department of AG, getting best practices info from many different organizations. Local, State, and National organizations appear to be on board to advise & help. Several local donors are ecstatic. Evidently there is a huge number of citizens and organizations that are applauding the County, because of past experiences with TTCHS.

Per the President of the Board of TTCHS, 70 percent of the intake of the shelter was strays, while only 40 percent of their income was from the County. Now that 70 percent of the animals are no longer going to TTCHS, they should have enough money to pay the Director his high salary, and still be in the black. Especially as they are offering to take animals brought in as strays, as long as the person that found the dog will turn it in as a "owner surrender" and pay a large fee. (6 people so far have claimed this has happened) We are amazed that the Director would not know this is theft.


The majority of the citizens of Thomas County do not believe the bull$hit that is being spewed by the uninformed. WE STAND WITH THOMAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS!


Thomas County
Thomasville, GA



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