AND THE WINNER IS.................
Congratulations Heather Dale Kirk!!
Thank you to everyone who posted pictures cuddling up with their FUR Babies!
NEW SWAG ALERT! Cold weather is here and there’s nothing better than a comfy hoodie! Swing by and pick up yours today while they are in stock they go fast!
Enter to Win RTIC Cooler Bag!! Aug 28th thru Sept 28th!!
Remember fleas, ticks, heartworms and intestinal parasites don’t disappear with cold weather!!
Protect your pets year round!!
Purchase Necessary: 1 dose Bravecto (3 month) or 3 doses Sentinel Spectrum or Bravecto Plus for Cats!
#fleasandticks #yourpartnerinanimalhealth #heartwormprevention #intestinalparasites
Glasgow bring your pets and horses to see us!!
The Numbers 42 and128+ Animal Chiropractic Education Source #acesgradsclientswin
Is you animal asking for an Adjustment?!
How do you know your animal NEEDS an adjustment?
Is your animal asking for an Adjustment?!
Here are some simple checks you can do to see if its time for your animal to come see Doc Ashlee!
Our specific and gental adjustments allow your animals the opertunity to be at their best!
Call and schedule an appointment or come see us at ACTIVE HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC - GLASGOW Friday MARCH 24th 2-5:30pm!!
GLASGOW we can't wait to see y'all and your animal Friday at ACTIVE HEALTH CHIROPRACTIC! 2-5:30pm!!
Our gental adjustments could change you and your animals life for the better!
Reminder Chiro Clinic Days
Friday the 17th at City Lake Horse Arena in Tompkinsville 3-5pm
Active Health Chiropractic- Glasgow Friday March 24th 2-5:30pm
SPECIAL REPORT! Interesting changes coming to Creekside Vet and Chiropractics about hours and chiropractic care! Please watch video for all updates!
Special dates to be aware of:
March 17th the first chiropractor clinic at Tompkinsville City Lake Horse Arena from 3-5pm
March 24th the first chiropractic clinic at Active Health Chiropractic in Glasgow 2-5:30pm! Any questions give us a call at the office 2704075995!
Do you want your animals to live their best life?
Have you been wondering what Animal Chiropractic is and how it can help your animals live their best life?
Doc Ashlee's gentile adjustments can give your animal a new lease on life or even let your animal athletes rise to their full potential! Call 270-407-5995 today to schedule your animal for a spinal evaluation and adjustment OR come see us at one of our pop up Animal Chiropractic Clinics near you starting in late March (check our Facebook or Website for Details).