San Joaquin Dog Training Club routine at the Lodi Parade of Lights
Yesterday, Stella and a group of volunteers from the San Joaquin Dog Training Club practiced our routine for the upcoming parade to be held on December 5th in Lodi. We enjoyed the nice sunny break between rains. It'll be a fun time. We will be chanting and displaying a large Club banner as we make our way to the judging area.
Halloween rally practice with Miss Stella. We're both making progress, I think.
Rally practice tonight: A novice handler and dog with a masters level course. What could go wrong?!
This course was designed by Alvin Eng, who recently retired. Handlers loved his courses with flow and Alvin's kind, supportive attitude towards the exhibitors.
Rally practice with Stella, a different instructor tonight and a bunch of new signs = lots of laughs! Enjoy the show.
Well, Yolita, Windancer Yolitia, had a very nice experience and made progress toward her Championship title in her first show cluster in Mexico by wrapping up the weekend with two group placements, G4 on Saturday and G3 on Sunday. Here's a video we received today.
We received this video of Yolita's inaugural conformation show cluster in Mexico. Rommel Carrillo Mendoza , his family and team has done a wonderful job of raising, trimming and training Yolita. The handler met her and began developing a relationship with her only the previous day. The judge was remarkable in how he helped her complete the judges examination without causing unnecessary pressure. Overall, I think she had a very nice experience.
Yolitia is 10 months old from our Teg-Stella litter. Congratulations to Team Yolita. We are looking forward to hearing and seeing news of her continued show girl successes!
Here's a video of our Rally practice session. Stella and I are making progress 😃
A little field work fun for Isaac...
GCH CH Windancer's Celtic Rose for Rangel BN DCAT RATO CGCA TKN (Rose) running her 2nd 100-yd dash of the day to earn enough points for a FastCat (Coursing Ability Test) DCAT title.
Isaac, 10 months old, practicing bird retrieves in the small training yard.
Rally, Agility, Obedience and even, Tricks offer exercises where flexibility and hind end awareness is necessary. Stella is practicing both hind end movement and flexibility in this video.