
Pawswithavoice4Pets Rescue inner city feral/friendly felines living outside. Rescue essential for CommunityofQuality.

Introduce community TNR(Trap Neuter Return), significance of spay/neuter, foster/adoption focused objectives, & abandonment alternatives for felines indoors. We welcome donations either monitery ot ease use the Amazon liiew items used that Be purchased

If my words offend anyone who reads this post, my apologies because my following statements IDE like to share out of my ...

If my words offend anyone who reads this post, my apologies because my following statements IDE like to share out of my concern for cats living outside, specifically in regards to a female cat I posted about several months ago that was a friendly cat living outside in my neighborhood and I had not been Able to locate her kittens end of f c September beginning October 2023.

I hadn’t seen the cat for several weeks until tonight. I just started walking my dog when that’s familiar wine of hers heard. My dog was really excited to see her overexcited so I took him in and think that she was the cat was hungry for whining, so much whining so much I returned with cat food, but she’s just smelled over it and was more interested in being rubbed interaction she could get with me. She continue fall as I attempted to leave. She followed me all the way back to my building, which is quite a walk. I wanted to see if she felt like she had kittens still feeling and I noticed she had been spayed. I can see the incision and sutures on her stomach and she’s also your tipped which means a group had taken her and got her your tip put her back out And I guess being inside she decides she doesn’t stay outside longer and she’s always been a friendly cat. Therefore the reason for the frustration of friendly cats being put back out and they don’t have a caretaker. That puts the responsibility on hopefully the resident in the community who cares about homeless cats to feed and look out for this for this cat and that’s really not fair for the cat or for the resident. I’ve always believed that if they can be home should be home even ferals. If anyone is aware of the group that handled getting the cat in the photo spayed please find out if they were able to locate her kittens because her ni**le feel like lshe did give birth and kittens were feeding from her.!
If the group did take in her kittens then mom is free to be homed/adopted instead of staying outside where she does not want to be. I cannot take in another cat so will have to contact other groups for their availability.


Never devalue a life, No matter how different or unique its existence!


Received a phone call from a resident that the city loaded up the cat shelters that cats from my colony have used for at least five years years plus. Since my older sister’s death from a fumbled surgery needing time to deal with this and also without my own transportation, residents have helped with looking out for the cats so shelters likely weren’t as appealing if cared for on a daily basis. Most importantly being that the park is the property of Trenton NJ at least they could have waited for the when the weather began transitioning to warmer temps instead now in the heart of winter with the temp outside still dropping to 20 degrees last night. This is a cruel world. I really get tired of fighting the same battle. Back snd forth issues about looking out for the best interest of animals from people/residents to officials.

Will FDA investigate Purina Pet Food Plants after receiving reports of Purina Pet Food product related pet illness and d...

Will FDA investigate Purina Pet Food Plants after receiving reports of Purina Pet Food product related pet illness and death? FDA is aware of the reports and evaluating each at this time.

Related article below:

Reports of sick pets have increased over recent weeks.

Were you informed of the recent Xfinity Data Breach October 2023?  Around mid October 2023 Xfinity suffered a data breac...

Were you informed of the recent Xfinity Data Breach October 2023?

Around mid October 2023 Xfinity suffered a data breach. Personal information of Xfinity customers was acquired such as usernames passwords and last four digits of social security numbers. The article posted below discusses the breach. Xfinity states they have not received any complaints of data being leaked however I can attest that my information was used within weeks of the breach . During a phone call to Xfinity customer service, not aware of the existence of this current Xfinity data breach, I learned that an application for Affordable Connectivity had been submitted December 13, 2023 using one of my old residential addresses from 10 years past. Therefore, in my opinion, the fraudulent application is likely is connected the data breach. Browse the article I’ve posted below or search for additional information. Just wanted to share.

A major data breach on Comcast-owned Xfinity has affected more than 35 million customers.


Let the howling commence!! Join us for our Howel-O-Ween Yappy Hour, Monday October 30th 4pm-7pm. We are teaming up with and best costume wins! You know the drill, bring your furry friend dressed to impress! Reservations recommended, call 609.586.1166


A bear and human beings living together.
Embrace what is different from one person to the next and from a person to a different species instead of so quickly willingly ending a life.


If you ever need reason to still hope in the goodness of man, here is one for you. Humanity at its best.😊 Angel Jada Osimhen Robbery Spain De Niro McTominay Norway Leo Messi Scotland Presec Israel Hamas 447 Palestinian Gavi Will Smith

I feed wild birds in the back of my apartment building.   I also look out for the stray friendly and feral cats: I put f...

I feed wild birds in the back of my apartment building. I also look out for the stray friendly and feral cats: I put food down for cats to eat, transfer friendlies to organizations and tnr friendlies and ferals when possible. Today low on feeding supplies, I hadn’t made it in the back just yet. I heard a loud noise and thought my indoor cats or my rescue dog Remi had gotten into something, but couldn’t find anything. Later I went outside to put what I had down for the cats and birds and to my surprise across the entire length of the grassed area was a huge tree that had broken and fallen down. It had happened directly over the area where usually place food for ground feeding birds and dry food for the cats. In the photos I’ve included you can see the crushed maroon dish and white plastic container lid. If I had been in the back a little earlier I seriously doubt even if I N had been able to see the tree falling towards me that I most certainly would not have been Able to move out of the way fast enough to avoid it falling on me. I thank God for protecting me from what I didn’t know was going to happen on this day in the area where I feed especially since it had not even rained yet today, although expected. Already riddled with injuries from past tragic experiences I won’t elaborate on at this time, I definitely could do without anything else physically crippling me. It was not my time. My message: when facing or dealing with situations mentally and emotionally bringing you down ifyou are one who believes in God and turns to Him for strength, just know He is still working for your good looking out for you through all.

“TRENTON NJ ANIMAL SHELTER IS NOT A NO KILL”I made several attempts, but could not find an article, announcing to the p...


I made several attempts, but could not find an article, announcing to the public that Trenton Animal shelter had resumed it’s prior status as a kill shelter. I received a text of post from page of Trenton Animal Shelter with dogs time stamped for euthanasia if not adopted.
( ).

How can this be. What happened and why wasn’t residents of Trenton NJ informed that the shelter resumed it prior status as “Kill” shelter. October 2020 Trenton Animals rocks and Mayor Gusciora announced with a celebration that Trenton Animal Shelter was now a “No kill” shelter ( see article). Such a change impacts the public and options for turning over an animal to the shelter therefore the public should have been informed.

What does this mean for animal rescue in Trenton New Jersey? Doesn’t sound hopeful but change is always possible. Please speak up, step up, act and care about helpless homeless lost abandoned animals in your city. Contact mayors office and voice your complaints. Get involved in what needs to be done, care about what is happening with animal rescue in your city especially the inner city. It isn’t normal to see in communities cats and dogs wandering around rummaging through garbage cans for food starving because in need of rescue. Trenton NJ inner city residents the more you act like you don’t care, the more your right to know will be overlooked and abused.

Therefore, be ware, realize any animal you take to Trenton Animal shelter could be euthanized if not adopted within a certain period of time. For goodness sake’s, do not abandon your animals. That would be just like taking the animal to a kill shelter yourself for death. Please make the effort to find your pet a home with someone or family to give it much lives and care. Even search online for groups to take it but stop dumping animals. Abandonment of animals is a quick solution to your problem, and that’s selfish.

I’m a black female living in the inner city of Trenton, New Jersey, and I care about abandoned stray, feral animals living outside. I care about all animals. You know why? Innocent, they need someone or people to speak up, to stand on their behalf. Simple as that.


Our shelter is overflowing, and we're running out of time to find loving homes for these incredible dogs. They have been stamped or are currently timestamped with a heartbreaking countdown to euthanasia. We desperately need your help to change their fate. Please share and spread the word! 🙏

🐶 Meet Benny, Angel, Candice, Bang, Franklin, Sasha, and Scooby. Each of these amazing pups has a unique personality and story, but they all share one thing in common: an overflowing heart full of love to give. 💕

🔎 Benny: A playful and energetic pup who thrives in an active lifestyle. Benny is looking for a family to join in on his adventures and share in his boundless joy.

😇 Angel: A sweet and gentle soul who craves love and affection. Angel is ready to be your loyal companion and bring endless happiness to your life.

🌟 Candice: This special girl needs a patient and understanding home where she can shine. Once she trusts you, Candice will be your most loyal and loving friend.

💥 Bang: A spirited dog with a zest for life! Bang is seeking an experienced owner who can appreciate his unique personality and provide him with the structure and love he deserves.

🐾 Franklin: A lovable goofball who loves belly rubs and playtime. Franklin is hoping for a family to call his own, where he can shower them with endless kisses.

💖 Sasha: A true cuddlebug who wants nothing more than to snuggle up with you and be your constant companion. Sasha promises a lifetime of love and devotion.

🐕 Scooby: A gentle giant with a heart of gold. Scooby is searching for a home that understands his gentle nature and can provide him with the love and care he deserves.

⚠️ These dogs have different needs - some are selective with other dogs, while others would prefer to be the only pet. But one thing is certain: they all deserve a chance at life and love. ⚠️

📞 If you're ready to make a difference and save a life, please contact Maria Herwig, our dedicated Adoption Specialist, at 609-989-3108 or email [email protected]. They will provide you with all the information you need to give one of these incredible dogs a second chance.

📍 Trenton Animal Shelter, 72 Escher Street, Trenton, NJ 08609

🙏 We can't do this without you. Share this post, tag your friends, and let's rally together to find these dogs the loving homes they deserve. They are counting on us. 🐾

🦸‍♂️ RESCUES: Email: [email protected] or call the shelter.

Has anyone else observed odd appearance of Fancy Feast Ocean Whitefish and Tuna pate wet cat food?  First to the organiz...

Has anyone else observed odd appearance of Fancy Feast Ocean Whitefish and Tuna pate wet cat food?

First to the organizations Ive contacted inquiring about donations of cat feeding supplies for my colony, temporarily feeling the impact of taking on some financial responsibilities on behalf of my sister who passed JUne 2022, with no replies, I’m still in need of the donations. I purchased several cans of fancy feast ocean whitefish, and tuna pate from the Petsmart in Princeton, New Jersey via DoorDash for my indoor cats. Upon removing the lid from one of the cans, the texture appeared to have a smooth look to it and also contained more liquid than usual similar to that of a smoothie or thick soup but definitely not a pate. My third time now experiencing this with a specific lot of the single cans of fancy feast ocean Whitefish and tuna pate cat single can cat food, I felt it was important to share with other animal lovers . The second time I observed this inconsistency, I phoned Purina and spoke with a representative. The conversation between the rep and I was pretty lengthy. I stated my issue with the food, described its appearance and then from that point the rep was thoroughly questioned me on the appearance of putting me on hold and then asking and clarifying my statements. They confirmed and agreed that based on my description and answers to their questions the texture and appearance of purina fancy feast ocean whitefish and tuna pate I bought was not consistent with the normal appearance of their pate cat food. I’m sharing because I don’t know if this is due to some sort of manufacturing error or something that was added to it that affected the product causing it to appear as it does now, but it exists and if cans are still on the shelves others purchasing the food should be aware of the problem. If you happen to purchase this flavor and it appears as I have described, please phone purina and complain, because we don’t know what’s may have happened and cats are far too important to spite companies to brush aside an error made manufacturing one of their products. Below are the lot numbers of the cans that I have found to be abnormal in appearance as well as a photo.

Recent observation
Purina Fancy feast Ocean Whitefish and tuna pate, single cans- lot 22999052L1A1652311,12,13

Lot # for last observation of abnormality


“We got it done will allow Ukrainian refugees enter U.K. with their dogs, cats & other animals. Government will cover costs vaccinations & up to 4 months quarantine if required. Huge step forward to help people & animals in desperate need well done all


May God give those involved in animal rescue the strength to be able to deal with the unexpected whatever it may be, the strength to handle and manage and to be able to relinquish bitterness and sadness often a weight of the work.




This post is graphic but would like to share with fellow rescuers and public an example of some of HEARTBREAKING unexpected challenges in feline rescue cat colony management.

Couple fridays past, went to colony to feed. I could smell something upon approaching the colony, a familiar snd unfavorable smell, death the remains of a deceased animal and it’s remains. The animal, whatever it was, wasn’t obviously visible but close by as the smell I was all too familiar with intensified. Not on my view, the animal had to have been inside one of the shelters so was likely one of my colony cats or kittens. I was a coward because I couldn’t immediately gather up the courage to pu5 aside my emotions and face what I likely was going to find. So instead, maggots crawling and moving al along the ground directly in front of the shelter, I walked to the store, purchased bleach and bleached the maggots. If finally braved up enough to removed thr roofing of the shelter to see which cat of my colony had succumb to living outside. Oh my goodness, it was not one of the cats but the remains of a deceased emaciated dog that had to have been placed in thr shelter by someone since the dog likely, so thin, would not have been strong enough to walk to the shelter on its own.

Whether or not someone had placed the dog in the shelter still alive or deceased, the dog suffered at the end of its life. In an attempt to determine identity of thr person, in hesitation, I contacted local animal control office snd asked for them to pick up thr dogs remains and scan to see if it had a chip to scan and ID its owner. Unfortunately aco stated the dog had no chip so whoever did this to this poor dog, gets away with it, another act of animal cruelty without accountability.

Here is a photo of the deceased dog. His suffering is over. May he rest in peace.




My Message:


Hello fellow rescuers. It’s been some time since I’ve posted my own personal comments on this page. Why? Being that I see animals as part of the brightness we desire to see and feel in this world, I related people coming to their aid in rescue as selfless caring individuals who focused on the well being of the animals. I still believe that to be the case for most but not all. I had an experince last year with some people and a couple rescue groups who used my animal rescue page posts to seek me out, using the needs of the rescue or the tools I lacked to their advantage. Contacting me via Facebook was a malicious act and intent was to deceive and mask their true intent. Intimidation and fear of my ability to do what is necessary to stop the population growth of the colony I was tasked to address was likely part of their objective. Compounded by other challenges of inner city animal rescue TNR and as well as not having my own vehicle to transport rescued cats, I didn’t want to use any more of my time to address immature behavior and acts of some who use manipulation and deceipt to achieve their personal distorted objectives. I chose to silence my rescue page. Time to awaken the page. Wake up wake up.


Everything living deserves a chance to be helped and not abandoned and discarded.


Trenton, NJ



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