When you see a Cat outdoors roaming around they are often Community Cats. Many are identified by the tipped Ear or notch which a BADGE of HONOR to have the corner part of the ear cut off. Some people don’t like how the ear tip looks, or how painful it might be (it’s done under anesthesia during their spay/neuter surgery) also means, someone cared enough… Enough to take time out of their day for that community cat, abstained, dumped, strayed, lost or born to be TNR’d.
Community Cats is a term used to describe outdoor, unowned, free-roaming cats. These cats can be friendly, feral, adults, kittens, healthy, sick, altered and/or unaltered. They may or may not have a caretaker. A caretaker is a person who conducts TNR and often manage to provide care to a community cat, but who is not the legal owner. By this definition, the only outdoor free-roaming cats who are not community cats are those who have an owner. Community cats—who have a dedicated caretaker who provides them with spay/neuter services and regular feeding live contently outdoors.
To volunteer their time to load up trapping supplies, go to the trapping location, set traps, monitor traps, and wait hours in most cases to fill traps. Then to bring them home in the traps and get them set up somewhere overnight and care for them. To drive them to the vet the next day, wait in line, and check them in for surgery. To use their own funds (or vouchers) to get them fixed and vaccinated.
In that time they care for them and make sure they are healing from surgery for a day or two. Then they drive them back to the trapping location and release them back to their outdoor home. All takes hours for a Community Cat that many seem to think are just feral, and so many people hate was cared for…
To take the time to give them a better life. To stop the cycle and try to tackle the overpopulation and suffering. To help curb the testosterone driven territorial fights and spraying. To help that female not get pyometria from having litter after litter until she dies. To try to keep the numbers down so less people feel less declined to threaten their lives.
Many ear tipped cats get rescued and adopted into homes too😻