Bongo A859913 is a very special boy who needs a special foster home that is comfortable with his facial wounds. He came to PACC severely injured and has been recovering well. He tolerates our bandage changes and LOVES people! He is such a happy and active boy that he really could use a foster home to continue recovering in. Please consider fostering this sweet boy today! Email [email protected] if interested.
I am guaranteed to be the sweetest boy!
We did a few of these laps today, that's IMPROVEMENT!
Sweet puppy Selma A860578 6m F is medical for her suspected demodex, she is on medications!
Kipling A860165 6y M is a very sweet boy who came to pacc severely malnorished and unable to walk. Tests showed that he has Valley fever and megaesophagus (has ot be fed upright, may improve with VF treatment). He is eating well and slowly gaining mobility back but he needs to continue his healing journey in a foster home! Brought in as stray