Using this for a public education moment. This was posted by a cat rescue that I will not call out. I know they have the best intentions, but they don't realize just how damaging this is to the reptile community, particularly the large snake keepers.
First off, I know a LOT of reptile keepers. I would bet that if I messaged all of them and asked if they would consider feeding a kitten or puppy to their snakes, all would say no. It's not a normal thing, especially when rats are easy to breed and come by and are also far healthier for the animals in our care.
Are there people out there that might though? Absolutely, but they are EXTREMELY far and few between. And to lump everyone together in this is so damaging. I have had friends who own snakes, not even large constrictors, be denied adopting a cat from rescues because they owned a snake. This spreading of fear cost a cat, in need of a home, a loving and caring forever home because of this kind of thing. I completely get the rescue wanting the cat's best, but to outright deny possible adoptions without further information isn't fair for anyone.
I personally own several large constrictor snakes and I also have owned my cat for 8 years. She is regularly vetted, groomed, and is on a pretty expensive prescription diet to try to keep her health as tip top as possible. Not to mention, I'm a vet tech. She even gets to try out the new supplements that companies come out with to further boost her health and quality of life. But because I have snakes posted on my personal page, I would be considered an unfit owner and denied adoption if I were to try in some of these rescues. This is where the problem lies.
Absolutely never give any animal away for free. But make it more about finding a serious owner over demonizing someone for having a dog or snake. You absolutely will w**d out the people looking for a cheap pet and will get more people invested in the animal's health. This goes for reptiles as well, as I used to charge a lot for my normal geckos and ball pythons just to avoid my babies going into the hands of someone who just impulse buys. It works all the way around and is all out better for the animals sake. But don't judge the quality of someone for the animals they have.