Peaches & Creme Rabbitry

Peaches & Creme Rabbitry Hi, I have a silly rabbit named Peaches, and I breed Creme D'argents.

The reign of Peaches is over. She passed yesterday. Peaches was a very special rabbit, born exactly 2 months before my 1...

The reign of Peaches is over.

She passed yesterday.

Peaches was a very special rabbit, born exactly 2 months before my 15th birthday. She was a wonderful mother, show rabbit, and friend. One of my most favorite memories of her was with her first litter. I had been trying for Creme babies for almost 2 years, and she ended up having my first litter in a (large and homemade) carrying cage in our garage during a blizzard.

As I'm sure a lot of you know, we lost many litters in 2023. The first was Peaches'. She wasn't the same since, and after trying and failing 4 or 5 more times, I gave up and she was retired. I noticed how she was deteriorating both physically and mentally, so I made the hard decision to have her put down. This was not something I did lightly, and I thought about it for a long time.

She is survived by her children, grandchildren, and this rabbitry. I'm not kidding when I say this rabbitry (and design business) are 100% built around her. She was my baby, and it hurts that she isn't here anymore, but I needed to do right by her.

Peaches will be missed. 💔

'Tis the season of the spooky.. Finally! Looking for some scary cute clothing to brag about at rabbit shows? We got you....

'Tis the season of the spooky.. Finally! Looking for some scary cute clothing to brag about at rabbit shows? We got you.

More updates to the hauntingly adorable Halloween collection soon! 👀 Pic of one of my favorites for tax

I'm a little late to this, but say hi to Murphy!Murphy is Peaches & Creme's new official mascot, bodyguard, model, and h...

I'm a little late to this, but say hi to Murphy!

Murphy is Peaches & Creme's new official mascot, bodyguard, model, and handsomest boy ever. He is a 5 month old rescued newfypoo (yes, they are really called that, he's a newfoundland poodle mix, although I prefer calling him a noodle) and he's stolen my heart. He will be in training to be my service dog, so you'll be seeing a lot of him as he grows and continues in his training.

In other news, I pulled out some babies, and look at these cuties! I haven't been able to work with them much so they were fighting my manhandling, but I'm proud of how far I've come! Hopefully these guys will see the show table soon.. 👀

"When you get knocked down, you get up again, never gonna beat me down" Is a verse from Tubthumping by Chumbawamba, and ...

"When you get knocked down, you get up again, never gonna beat me down" Is a verse from Tubthumping by Chumbawamba, and seems to be my motto lately.

Between finding several of my rabbits that had pigeon breast and the failure of litters/breedings after my initial three litters, it has been hard to get up again.

My rabbits are my solace, my safe place, and sometimes it gets hard. I haven't made any posts here really talking about pigeon breast, but I have in my Tristate Creme d'Argent Rabbit Breeders group. Unfortunately in finding this trait, I have to really cull hard and I will be left with just two of my original stock by the end. It will be difficult, but I'm determined to come back from this gracefully and without completely damaging all my hard work.

But I've just been remembering, "never gonna beat me down" and that will always keep me going, even through the bad! It helps that I know there is a rainbow on the other side, I just need to run through the rain.

Baby pic for tax

It's been awhile since I posted about the cremes! Between our county fair and the 4-H events all June, I've been swamped...

It's been awhile since I posted about the cremes! Between our county fair and the 4-H events all June, I've been swamped. And of course the 4th of July, which is the day I pulled out beautiful Dottie. She's looking pretty nice, despite the 50 photos it took for her to sort of cooperate 😂 Happy late 4th of July, happy Friday, and have a great week.

Goat pictures? Why I'm glad you asked!I know you didn't ask for them, but here they are anyway 😉 Plus a photo bomb from ...

Goat pictures? Why I'm glad you asked!

I know you didn't ask for them, but here they are anyway 😉

Plus a photo bomb from my eyeballs

There's just something about sitting under a tree with your goat, taking a selfies while your friend struggles with shea...

There's just something about sitting under a tree with your goat, taking a selfies while your friend struggles with shearing her sheep. Yeah, I was supposed to be practicing with him instead 😂 How can you not with a cutie face like that??

Loin is one of the most meat-yielding parts of a rabbit. When we look at loin for meat rabbits, we want it to be wide, f...

Loin is one of the most meat-yielding parts of a rabbit. When we look at loin for meat rabbits, we want it to be wide, full, all the way down to the table, and not narrowing out over the hip. This is something I am currently working on. By breeding carefully, I got loin width on my own, but sometimes you need help. So I got DeeAnn Wilder's DW4F (otherwise known as Magnus). He has amazingly hard muscling and great loin quality (shown).

Magnus is a nice growing boy, 2 ounces away from 7 lbs at 17 weeks. I used the green lines to draw his loin (my hand doesn't do him justice, it's just to show how wide he is). He's got a spunky sweet personality, and I think he will help out the barn a lot!

The orange doe (Cannoli from Bunny Kisses Rabbitry Farmland, IN) is very tall in her loin, (or has a lot of depth in her hindquarter) which is one of my favorite things about her. That was a picture from when she has about 5 months old, and she looks the same even today.

The last picture is of Coconut Creme. That was when she was 6-7 months old, and the green is what I want her to be, the red is where her loin narrows out. She doesn't have my favorite loin, and shows what I was trying to work on, but her compact structure, good weight and great fur made up for it.

I hope y'all enjoyed this post, it was something a little different. Have a great memorial day and rest of your Sunday!

A little bit of a farm update:Peter is growing fast. The first show we took him to and weight him, he was 50 lbs! He's a...

A little bit of a farm update:
Peter is growing fast. The first show we took him to and weight him, he was 50 lbs! He's a savanna boer cross and is about 4½ to 5 months old. He's going to be giant! He got his first bath, blow-dry and haircut, and his first show.

Don't tell anyone 🤫 But I registered and granded two does! The first is Teal Stone Homestead 's 340 (Dottie). Dottie has shown great promise and won me my BOB in Youth Nationals this year. I have a very good feeling about her development and future in my barn.

The second is my very first Homegrown Grand Champion, the one I expected the least, Nilla Wafer. She is from my "demon doe" who was a nightmare on legs. She actually tried killing her babies (Nilla and her siblings) so I had to fit a total of 13 babies in with Peaches. It was stressful, but we made it work! I took Nilla to a couple shows, and the general consensus was.. confusing. Some judges said she was promising and placed her first, some judges said she was too plain and placed her last, and some said she was average and placed her in the middle. I showed her at my county fair for numbers, and the judge there said she was promising, and a convention baby. Convention came, and I disagreed entirely. So I didn't show her. But I kept showing her for numbers, and finally, she looked pretty nice after her first litter, so I took her to Nationals. Only to find out she had a broken tooth, so she got DQ'd. (First time that has ever happened to me!) When I went home and checked her pedigree a few weeks later, I noticed Nilla actually had three legs! And better yet, her broken tooth fixed itself. So, a very long story, but worth it? 😂

And also, the grow-outs are looking.. a little rough. At least for what I'm used to them looking like. For those wondering, here is a great example from Lazarus of Creme babies going through ugly stages! Also, he has a weird skunk strip down his back and I have no idea why 🤣

Okay, thanks for reading, bye!

You guessed it.. more Coconut baby pictures! These two are one of the biggest highlights of my day, and never fail to pu...

You guessed it.. more Coconut baby pictures! These two are one of the biggest highlights of my day, and never fail to put a smile on my face. I have a super busy schedule packed until Convention, but I am more excited than ever about it!

Peter also had his first ever goat show. He placed 4th in his market class, and I was surprised the first show of the season went that smoothly! 🐐

Also, yes, he really does that lip thing. It's so funny! It's starting to become his trademark thing, that and pretending he's a kangaroo 🦘

We started an Instagram page! Just getting it up and going, but I'm hoping to post some more behind the scenes baby pict...

We started an Instagram page! Just getting it up and going, but I'm hoping to post some more behind the scenes baby pictures and posing pictures. Find us at peaches_creme_rabbitry!

Picture of Peter for a much needed serotonin tax 🧡

Today was a little busy. We went and visited the OSRBA's Mini Convention in Columbus, then came home and bred rabbits. W...

Today was a little busy. We went and visited the OSRBA's Mini Convention in Columbus, then came home and bred rabbits. We got a couple fall offs, but we will probably go back to breed some more. I got some cute baby pictures as well! Looking at them again, they both look like girls, and HUGE! They have big personalities already, and I'm loving it. I also pulled out Celeste, who's having an "ugly stage" but she'll get over it. She's looking promising. No pics of Lazzy, he's too busy molting out his baby coat! 😂

Update on the Coconut Creme babies! They are so big, I keep thinking they are dead and have bloat when I check on them 😂...

Update on the Coconut Creme babies! They are so big, I keep thinking they are dead and have bloat when I check on them 😂 They are very healthy and big. I sexed them, and it looks like 1 boy 1 girl!

Since there is only two, I was trying to find twin names. I have always loved Greek mythology, and of course one of the most famous twin pairings is Apollo and Artemis. If they were boys, I would have picked Castor and Pollux, but I'm glad I have one of each. Not dead set on the current names of course, but I will be thinking long and hard about what to actually call them. I'm also leaning towards non-Greek mythology names, but I'm impartial on them.

For now, they are 5 day old chonk monsters. This was a pic from yesterday 🤯 They are bigger than my hand! It was actually hard to hold them and take a picture at the same time! 🤣

We got two little stunners from Coconut Creme! Originally 3, but one was DOA 😔 Hoping these chonky chunkers are the firs...

We got two little stunners from Coconut Creme! Originally 3, but one was DOA 😔 Hoping these chonky chunkers are the first of my junior Convention breedings!



Oh, yeah, and we got a black tort Lionhead buck, he will be a pet only. His name is Lord Otto Fluffernuts 🤣 My dad named...

Oh, yeah, and we got a black tort Lionhead buck, he will be a pet only. His name is Lord Otto Fluffernuts 🤣 My dad named him the last part, I guess silly names run in the family!

Thank you E&E Homestead ❤️

Today has been a crazy whirlwind of a day. From not even knowing if I'd be going to Nationals to getting Youth BOB, I am...

Today has been a crazy whirlwind of a day. From not even knowing if I'd be going to Nationals to getting Youth BOB, I am honestly so shocked and grateful I've been able to get this far. Two years ago, I went to my first Nationals with Peaches. At that show, she got 2nd in her class and her 3rd leg. I skipped last year and went to Silver Fox Nationals, and this year was Creme Nationals again.

Teal Stone 's 340 (Dottie) got her third and final leg needed for granding. She also got first in fur I believe. I also showed a meat pen trio, which got first.

Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy this waiting update and cute hats!!

Hello! So, lately has been crazy, but I can share some cute bunny pictures. I've got big plans for the next week, so sta...

Hello! So, lately has been crazy, but I can share some cute bunny pictures. I've got big plans for the next week, so stay tuned! 😁

Two posts in one day, crazy I know! But I figured you all would like to know my newest endeavor. As you all know and I h...

Two posts in one day, crazy I know! But I figured you all would like to know my newest endeavor. As you all know and I have mentioned several times, I started my own business. I have always been artsy fartsy, but I never thought anyone would want to buy my art! Man, was I wrong. I was so overjoyed to hear the responses and orders come in, and it really inspired me to do more, and to be more creative. To avoid hooting and hollering about the store, I made a new FB page just for it, PCR Designs. This page should help keep my rabbitry and art fairly separate and unlocks a dream I've had for years. Thank you to everyone for the support, and I hope to see you there! 🥰

Picture of the "Funky Frog" design on a 20 oz tumbler for tax

Today was also number day! Each rabbit that is born in my barn gets a number, so for example one could be PC036, or PC86...

Today was also number day! Each rabbit that is born in my barn gets a number, so for example one could be PC036, or PC8675309. So, all 15 babies each have a number now to be tattooed later.

We also finally finished the bun cave! I now have an evaluating nook, and lots of cages for my expanding Havana operation and Creme empire. The Thriantas are also in here, but mainly because they are small and I enjoy their presence. It's a little messy still, and I will be spraying out the trays and cages when I have the time. Thank you E&E Homestead for finishing the roof for me!


Hi everyone! I had mentioned this in my last post, but I started a small shop.

By setting up this business, I am hoping to not only sell cute items, but also share my mission in helping breed high quality cremes to spread across the US. I am also hoping to use the funds to attend the bigger rabbit shows this year and represent my favorite breed more.

We currently have clothing, stickers, magnets, blankets, and more! We just updated prices and posted some new designs. Thank you all for tagging along, and I hope you check out the store! ❤️

Hi guys! So an unexpected, but very exciting update. And since I'm talking about this, I might as well finally spill the...

Hi guys! So an unexpected, but very exciting update. And since I'm talking about this, I might as well finally spill the beans on the other important thing.

We've got a shop! My hobby all my life has been drawing, doodling, and sketching, and now that has come to life and in the form of clothing, stickers, and mugs. I am planning on doing more items, but that's just me dipping my toe in the waters of business. The link is in the comments if you are interested!

The second thing is this. I was voted to become one of the Youth Directors for the Creme d'Argent Rabbit Federation for this year. This is a position I intend on honoring and doing good with, and the first big step in doing that was writing an article in the club's quarterly newsletter. I wrote about something that was very important to me, and it hasn't come out yet. I am unsure when it will come out, which is definitely okay.

Now, with these two very exciting things happening, what's happening with the babies already?!

Well, I am very happy to say I am not able to offer any more babies from these litters. I have been asked constantly, which is very flattering you all like my stock! It's a little bittersweet that I can't get everyone a baby, but I know that I will have more and be able to help spread more cremes across the country, which is one of my foremost goals.

And of course, I just want to thank everyone who's been following along and supporting me. Posting these little farm updates every week or so is one of my favorite things to do. I love taking pictures of my babies (young and old) and picking them out to post. So, of course, I'll post some of my favorite pictures recently. Thank you all.

Photo dump! I realized I was posting all my recent pictures in our Tristate Creme d'Argent Rabbit Breeders group, so now...

Photo dump! I realized I was posting all my recent pictures in our Tristate Creme d'Argent Rabbit Breeders group, so now I'm sharing them here 😊

The babies are growing well and fast! I have two special announcements coming, so be sure to stick around in the next week or two for that. Mr Bunny Sparkles was slightly unhappy with the hat, but much more tolerant of it than Peaches was. 🐇 Have a good rest of your weekend!

So I did something..Again.I bought a goat! He is a red boer/savanna mix, and the sweetest little guy all around. Buying ...

So I did something..

I bought a goat! He is a red boer/savanna mix, and the sweetest little guy all around. Buying a goat has been a life long dream of mine, and I'm so thankful I get to do it so young. He will be shown as a wether (castrated male), and I haven't shown my own wether before, mainly because its only my second year doing this lol. So this will be a fun experience! His name is Peter 🐐




I have been sitting on this project for way too long. Over the last year I have been evaluating all of my litters - I like to track their weight as best as I can. And this chart I would consider “ideal” numbers to be seeing as your rabbits are growing out. You may see slight variations, as every rabbit and every litter is different - but I really don’t like my rabbits straying too far off this chart. For example, if 12 weeks rolls around and I am seeing that all my rabbits in that litter are only 4lbs - I would consider that a problem.

Cremes are a MEAT RABBIT!

We should be expecting them to reach 5lbs by 12 weeks old. By 16 weeks old I expect them to be no less than 6lbs.

We should not be expecting cremes to be slow growers and be okay with it - I hear a lot of breeders say that. And here are my personal thoughts…
While a “slow-growing line” may eventually reach senior weight, I want meat on the table by 12-16 weeks old and no later. I want that CONSISTENTLY. Again, the Creme d’Argent is a commercial breed and if we want this breed to not only survive but thrive as a hardy backyard meat rabbit breed, we need to start culling for weight and slow growth.

If you are just starting out, or if your weights are way under this chart, do not be discouraged. I started out with cremes that were underweight 4 years ago. Now I have a doe that is 16 weeks old and 7lbs 10oz.

Hard culling is your best friend.
Along your journey, take time to learn how to cook a heckin’ good rabbit dish with those culls.
You will get there 🧡

Happy Valentines, Y'all!

Happy Valentines, Y'all!

So now that we've had all three litters born, I suppose it's fine to talk about it.. 😂Cannoli (Bred to Aspen) had 9 babi...

So now that we've had all three litters born, I suppose it's fine to talk about it.. 😂

Cannoli (Bred to Aspen) had 9 babies. Nilla Wafer (Bred to Hugo) had 7 squirmers. Conifer (Bred to Aspen) had 11 hippos! I've never had a doe give that many in one litter! So far, all the moms are doing great, and I am so happy. I've been open about losing several of my past litters, so its nice to have a genuine win.

Despite this victory, I am mainly focusing this year on culling harder and being pickier about what I'mletting out of my barn. These little babies will serve a great purpose, and I think that I can achieve even better results with hard diligence and willpower. Like I said a year ago or so, "We are Striving in the Direction of Perfection".

We are now at four days before our three creme does are due. I'm excited, but also admittedly nervous about these litter...

We are now at four days before our three creme does are due. I'm excited, but also admittedly nervous about these litters. I have a lot of hope on these does, and I'd be happy about even low numbers or one kit making it. I decided to be a little naughty and put in the nestboxes a day before I regularly do, and I had Cannoli already haystaching and building her nest. The other two may or may not be pregnant, but they won't stay still long enough for me to look at their belly. Three years, and I still can't palpate for the life of me! 😂 Unfortunately my phone died when I was outside, so I have a picture of my favorite little buck for tax. He's so handsome ❤️


Union, KY


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