Do you know which supplements to use and when?
🦎 Let's break it down... 🦎
You will need 2 kinds of supplements.
First is a calcium without D3 (this can be mixed with bee pollen if you have it , not necessary) lightly dusted on insect feeders every feeding (your feeders should not looked like powdered donuts but near a transparent coating).
Second you will need a multivitamin containing preformed vitamin A (not beta-carotene) with loD provided 2x a month applied the exact same way as mentioned above. (example dust on the 1st & 15th OR 15th and 30th).
🦎Why no beta-carotene? 🦎
Beta-carotene is an artificial replacement for vitamin A and chameleons don't produce the enzyme required to convert the beta carotene into the needed retinol (Vitamin A). This is why it is important to look at the ingredients of your supplements.
Below is a chart of appropriate supplements to use and when...