My next horse will be a nice, quiet gelding. Ok, ok… you’re right—he will probably be a track horse who doesn’t stop or turn or even stand still. But one day, probably at age 32, he’ll be just as spectacular as this one…a true ride or die kind of guy. Thank you, Ham. A true gentleman is never overrated.
#mares #dressage #dressagedragon #imbuyingthegeldingnexttime #dontletmedoit
Fourteen years ago this feisty, challenging, and loving girl became my dance partner. It’s been a journey…whoa, has it ever! We’ve walked a lot of paths together. From a 2 year old filly who stood on her hind legs every time I tried to pet her to a Grand Prix contender on the national stage, we’ve come a long way.
She’s 16 now. She owns her own farm. She commands every visitor’s respect. She’s the prettiest, the smartest, the strongest, the biggest, the fastest. She still competes on the big stage at the Grand Prix. She still stands on her legs and tells me I’m difficult to train. But, she tries hard and shows up for me every day anyway. She goes on any adventure I ask her to. She takes care of me when I’m broken. She gives beginners the gentlest of rides. She tolerates my trail riding. She forgives me when I’m not my best. She loves me even though I make mistakes.
Kiss and hug your mares today. And every day…even though they break your hearts and your wallets and are difficult at times. They’re amazing and spectacular and put us on top of the world. Hug them and treat them and pet them and remind them they’re prettier and smarter and more talented than everybody else…even though they knew all of that long before you did. Hug and kiss them. ‘Cause they don’t get to stay with us forever. And that day will always come too soon. ❤️
#Dalanta #besties #dancepartner #kwpnmare #dressagemare #dressagedragon
“I should be ashamed of behavior. Let’s be clear. I should be, but I’m not.” -Dalanta
Welcome to the Dragon’s Lair. Let the Hunger Games begin! May the odds be ever in your favor!
-Mare ears, attitude, and appetite compliments of Dalanta and Harlow.
#dressagedragons #dressagemares
#kwpnmare #hanoverianmare
#hungergames #hungrygirls