A little sequencing with Stacey, looks pretty good after a few tweaks from coach!
Rolling into the weekend with Jackie. #dogs #manchesterterrier
Which Manchester should represent in Paris!!? #Olympics #dogs #manchesterterrier
Dinner time conversations with Meisje & Jerri Gillean
So proud of our little team. 🥰
Stacey starting to do something that looks like agility! She is a fun one.
Having fun with Stacey and the weaves!!!
A perfect day Run Wild Dog Sports at the Sno-King Agility trial for the Go West Dogs!
Jackie earned a QQQ (jumpers, Standard, Fast) + Premier Jumpers and Stacey earned her 1st regular Q in fast. She had been jumping preferred and it’s time for big girl jumping!
Pictures, however, were another story. My first choice and some out takes.
Why I love dog training! 🐶 ❤️
Post bath zoomies! #toymanchesterterrier #ameliatmt #showdog #dougjoeweekend #ManchesterTerrier #beginnerpuppy #AKC
Some have higher levels of enthusiasm than others.
This is what Manchester Cabin Fever is all about. 10 seconds after they were sitting patiently on the couch.
Trigger warning: barking
Little Emily playing with her new friends. Such a fantastic temperament on this little dog.
She is adjusting well to whatever the world throws at her. And it’s currently two 15 month olds and an old lady Dalmatian.
She is just here on a layover to her new home in Fairbanks.
Sometimes I wonder what goes through his head.
Stacey is just a tad tired from Agility University class tonight with Miss Tracy.
Rocking horses, get out & serp foundations…
We finally have a place to train besides our house, so there was also some running around and seeing herself in the mirrors. #exhasting