I got to hang out late with the freeloaders last night...it's definitely a great place to relax and have a coffee or glass of wine...so if you're bored and would like to join me Thursday, Friday or Saturday let me know
So a neighbor came over yesterday and said she saw a kitten in the woods, while on her daily run. I was able to grab a trap and head over to the area...she was tiny. About 8 weeks old but she was in a really big woody area with limited access...I put the trap down and tried to entice her, but couldn't keep track of where she was wandering...after about 45 minutes...I decided to leave the trap to get another one...when I came back she was just finishing up the food in the 1st trap😁...I wasn't sure what her disposition was going to be like when I got her back, but soon found out she is an absolute doll...I reached out to Jenn Tate from st francis to try and find a foster and thankfully Sharon Linder agreed to foster her...she'll be with me for the next cpl of days..don't know how this lil baby was all alone in the woods by herself, but happy she survived...
If you'd like to adopt her or any kitty please consider st francis
A little catnip, cool weather and sunshine
In the house kittens
Meanwhile in the house...
Waiting on Ian
Waiting out this storm is brutal...just the not knowing when and how intense it's going to be is so stressful...on the bright side, the kitties don't seem to be stressed, just unhappy about the rain...our main concern is with the trees over the structure...I put up some tarp in the back area for the kitties that aren't comfortable going into the house to find refuse...there is a sturdy roof so they should stay nice and dry...
Sinatra and the leaf
Hundreds of dollars worth of toys...and the leaf is the hit. Lol
Sinatra making it look like a blast
I'm naming him stalwart....
2nd night of trying to trap this lil guy and his sibling, who seems to be fine...with the help of kristy (trapping) and Suzanne (transporting and recovery) we were able to get mama. She was spayed this morning, and will be released back here to this home that will feed her and give her fresh water daily..but these lil rascals seem to be pretty savvy...It's going on 2 hrs now with a drop trap and they haven't even come close. But when I do get them, we hope to socialize them and change the direction of their life for the better...cross your fingers
Missing these 2
It is with such a sad heart that I tell you Puzzles passed away this early morning...I came home to find her lying on the floor and not moving when I called her. My friend dee and I brought her to the emergency vet and After blood test and an IV catheter...nothing was improving...she was having seizures and I felt the best decision was to let her sleep, with the help of medicine.
She was a truly unique cat. She was blind and had lost her sense of smell...She was trusting and sweet. She loved children and dogs. She would go for walks with Seger and I, in our neighborhood and the neighbors loved seeing both of them walk together. They were amazed that Puzzles would just follow. They looked forward to seeing her.
It would have been pretty great to have had more time with her. But maybe Seger needed a walking partner...
Their daily walks
Puzzles and Seger
Seger and Puzzles enjoying their walk
So puzzles is currently being treated for a few different things, so unfortunately, I have to keep her away from the other cats...she currently has the recovery room to herself, but as I mentioned in an earlier post, she is extremely social and loves dogs. So, in order to get her out of the room, I've decided to take her on walks with Seger. I think she enjoys getting the exercise and fresh air. As you can see from the video, Seger will patiently wait for her when she lags behind, and I think he enjoys the company as well...I'll keep posting videos of their walks together.. Seger can't hear and puzzles can't see...it's a sweet combination...Enjoy!!
Puzzles vet visit
Puzzles was seen by the vet today. The doc confirmed after doing several different tests that she is almost blind. The great news is she is Felv&fiv negative...we'll find out tomorrow if she has any other issues regarding her blood work. I'm hoping that if there are no issues with her blood work, I will be able to find someone who is willing to give her a great life. She is an extremely social kitty who really loves being around kids and even dogs. I will keep her here as long as I need to, but I really think she would rather be around humans as much as possible, and unfortunately I'm not retired yet and the bulk of my time is working...so if anyone is looking for a almost blind, sweet kitty that loves kids and dogs, please message me
Thank you st francis animal rescue for picking up the exam at Harmony...