Hey all! In the next ten days we have two neuters, four health certificates, need to buy cat food and litter, and get ready for a transport to New England. We still have room on the transport if you have a cat or cats that need to go north. We will be leaving Seneca. SC at about 5:00 am, going to Easley, then Irmo, then heading north. I can go 26, 77/81, or 95 if you need pickup. We are a rescue based transport and we don't charge a fee for transport, instead we ask for donations. If you have cats in need of a ride. Let me know.
If you would like to help with expenses, our PayPal is [email protected] and our Venmo is . We also accept cash and checks. Lol
This is Stormy and Bailey, two of the sweetest cats in the world and two of our passengers headed to NH!