Trick riding on a Paso Fino Horse at First Capital Christian Church
Yeehawwww! Here is the moment you’ve been waiting for ❄️🌟🦄🌟❄️
What a fun Saturday afternoon we had sharing our love for horses with young children at the First Capital Christian Church’ Rodeo Winter Bash! I am so thankful for God for creating these amazing and beautiful creatures. A special thank you to Mrs. Evalina for putting on such a wonderful event and inviting us! The horses sure enjoyed all the hugs from these precious and awesome Cowboys and Cowgirls!! When it warms up, the horses are so excited for these Cowboys and Cowgirls
to come adventure in the saddle with us! 🤠🐴❤️🦄🤠
Demonstration at First Capital Christian Church
It is the best feeling after a busy week!! Ignore the fact that I look a hot mess, but it is so freeing with my amazing boy, Duke!
This is the natural gait of a Paso Fino horse. If you look them up on YouTube, you will see they are born with this gait. This is a hippodrome style of trick riding on our amazing, sweet, and talented, Dora!
What a fun and beautiful day we had at K&B Liberty Farms! We had a lot of success with horseback rides on our Paso Fino horses; Unicorn, Dora the Explorer and our infamous Old Man Mario, and some special performances up our sleeve. This is the natural and amazingly smooth gait of a Paso Fino horse!!! If you had a blast in the saddle today, and have family pictures you took with our horses, please feel free to share with us below!
Also, a special thank you to those that made this happen today for the kiddos and families to enjoy a horseback adventure and that is my hubby, Alex Derthick, Carol Derthick, and my ladies that helped lead horses around and volunteer their efforts and time,Jill Dyer, Debbie Wagner, and Pamela Sewer. It takes a village! We sure loved seeing all the smiles, and lots of laughs!! I really enjoy seeing the connection horses have with people and the fact that can enable our confidence! What an awesome day it was to be in the saddle!! 🦄❤️🐴
We are thrilled that our Dora was chosen to honor our loved ones in heaven at the Grand National Paso Fino Horse Championships in Ocala Florida this week. Here’s to you Grandpa Chips! ❤️
Happy 4th of July to you and your families! God bless America!!
Our Paso Fino Horse, Dora (Prometedora de Besilu) is truly magnificent and special! We are so blessed to have her. Here we are this past weekend performing at the Bluegrass Triple Crown at the Kentucky Horse Park. 💥🇺🇸🦄❤️💥
Triple Seven being conditioned by his owner, Dr. Hill! We gotta get these two to show!! They make a magnificent team! Triple Seven has won several National titles with my Aunt Catherine, and I think someone is going to steal her horse!! This awesome Stallion is who Gabby is in foal to. Hopefully, Dora will be in foal to him soon as well. Ironically, Dora is in the background looking out the stall window watching him in this video… drooling over her man!! Haha
We are excited for this venture. And way to go Josh! Now go in that ring and beat my Aunt Catherine!! ❤️🤠