Doepker Performance Horses

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Doepker Performance Horses My name is Carlie Doepker. I train horses and provide lessons for every level of rider!


Due to all the smoke, I will be cancelling all lessons for this afternoon. You should have received a text or message from me if you had a lesson on the schedule! Praying this smoke clears soon so everyone can enjoy fresh air again. Stay safe ♥️


To all lesson people, I am keeping an eye on the air quality. If it’s still bad tomorrow, I will be canceling lessons. I don’t want the horses sucking in the air any more then they have to!

No lessons this Sunday! Enjoy Easter with friends and family ♥️

No lessons this Sunday! Enjoy Easter with friends and family ♥️

Who is excited for show season???? Getting miss Willow legged up! I also will have a QH mare available for sale soon! I ...

Who is excited for show season???? Getting miss Willow legged up!

I also will have a QH mare available for sale soon! I will get pictures/video and details out soon! She’s a looker!


Reminder that I will be out of town the 26-30th. I will return all messages once I am back in town 🥰


Hello all! If there are shows you are wanting to go to please let me know so I can get it on the calendar and see how to divide my time. So far I have Massillon, Dusty boots, QH at New castle and garwood, pinto and the ranch series at new castle. If I’m missing anything else or a different series please let me know! I’m getting it all written out and I don’t want anyone left out if I can help it 🙂


There will be no lessons January 26th and 29th. I am taking a personal trip out of state. We will resume the following week like usual 🙂.


Reminder that my lesson prices as of today increase by $10. I appreciate each and every one of my clients. Also I will be instituting a new policy. If you do not give me (at least) a two hour notice of canceling your lesson for the day, you will owe the full lesson price. This applies to no call/no show as well. Obviously TRUE emergency situations will be handled differently. It costs me money to be at the barn, have a lesson horse for you to use, gas etc for your lesson. It is also not my responsibility to contact you before your weekly scheduled lesson to make sure you are coming. I feel as if I am more then fair/accommodating and have been forgiving in the past. However when I expect to have 5 lessons and 2 show up for the day, we have an issue. The holidays have been tough and things have gotten switched around with weather. But it is time to crack down and get yourself back on schedule. My Sunday schedule is currently full, and my Thursday schedule is currently full. If I have an opening any time in the future I will let you know! Happy New year to all!!


Whiskeys owners have decided to sell him. They want something a little more finished and that they can jump on and go for their teenager. Whiskey is a sweet horse and I loved him for the time I just had him in training. He has a good feel at a walk/trot/jog. Moves off seat and leg. Going great in a snaffle. Ground work is all there. He moves his hip,shoulder and rib cage on the ground. Changes direction on a feel. Is starting to put it all together under saddle. He does lope but it needs work with collection and where his feet go. Has an honest try and catches on quickly. He will occasionally test to see if you’re paying attention and looses focus. Not hard to bring him back to you. Because of this reason he is for an intermediate rider or someone who knows how to work with older green horses. If allowed to get away with loosing focus and other bad habits he will escalate and try to buck to scare you. He never once offered to buck or anything similar with me. He would be an incredibly solid trail mount. Not spooky in the least. With more finishing he would be an amazing ranch horse!! Got along great at our barn with his gelding pasture mate. Picks up all fours, utd on vet/farrier. Loads in a trailer, stands tied etc. Whiskey is around 14.3, 16yrs old and grade. Please PM Jennifer Stoner for price and to see him. I can get video if asked.

Whiskey just completed 30 days of training. He’s 16 and I don’t believe he’s had any formal training. His youth owner wa...

Whiskey just completed 30 days of training. He’s 16 and I don’t believe he’s had any formal training. His youth owner was struggling with his attitude and inability to soften up. He was possibly going to be for sale. After 30 days I’m happy to say that they want to keep their sweet boy! Whiskey was a horse that took a little longer then others to get him to soften, be a willing partner and to trust his rider. Not getting frustrated or rushing is key in every situation. He still will challenge every now and then as he has 16 yrs of bad habits. But his owner had 4 great lessons on him while in training and I’m so excited for their future together!!

Hello all! I have put this off as long as I can. However as of January 1st 2023, my lesson rates will be going up $10 pe...

Hello all! I have put this off as long as I can. However as of January 1st 2023, my lesson rates will be going up $10 per lesson. Prices of hay, sawdust, feed, farrier, vet, gas etc have all gone up significantly. Which in turn forces me to raise my own prices. I will be offering 1/2 hour lessons at $35 a lesson. Or $50 a lesson for an hour. These are private lessons on the lesson horses I provide. If you have a horse that you would like to take a lesson on please PM me for pricing. I have availability currently on Thursdays and Sunday afternoons at CMA Endurance LLC in Girard, OH. Heated barn, indoor arena with a heated viewing room/bathroom. We don’t suffer in the winter here 😉.

I hope you all are staying warm and have a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy this picture of Willow from a warmer day ♥️


If I haven’t sent you a message today, lessons are canceled for the day. I’m dealing with a pretty intense migraine and I’m glued to the couch. Thank you all for understanding!!

Miss Willow and I competed at our first Congress together. She did phenomenal for being 3. Thank you to everyone who sup...

Miss Willow and I competed at our first Congress together. She did phenomenal for being 3. Thank you to everyone who supported us!!

My lesson schedule has room for one more person on Thursday evenings. I also have room for individual lessons on your own horse at the facility in Girard. Please PM for pricing!

Reggie went to his new home yesterday. A beautiful private barn that he has all to himself! His new owner is in love wit...

Reggie went to his new home yesterday. A beautiful private barn that he has all to himself! His new owner is in love with him and will spoil him for years to come. Gorgeous pasture and nice hay with a cozy stall. He’s going to live like a king. I’m so happy Marge has chosen him to be her companion. Happy trails Reg!


13 yr old, 14.3 hh, black, grade gelding. Reggie is the ultimate trail horse! Goes over, under and through anything. Water, mud, ditches, hills, mountain trail obstacles etc. He does it all! Will lead or follow. Very confident boy and will plug along all day. Will slow down to keep up with the slow horses or will move right along to keep up with gaited horses. Can put grandma on him and he’ll keep her safe! Drinks on the road. Loads in a slant or straight load. Stands tied like a rock. Excellent for baths, fly spray and to be tacked up. My farrier adores him! Nice solid feet and didn’t move a muscle while being trimmed. Kid safe to be around. Not a mean bone in his body! He is very in your pocket type horse. Sweet as can be. He has great potential for HUS or dressage with more training. Reggie would be a great senior project for 4H or for someone that has the skills to take him to the blues. He does require a rider with knowledge of how to use leg in the arena. I’ve been rehabbing him so he needs more muscle for arena work. Also for that reason he does need work on his canter. It’s there but needs time. For the trails he is good to go! No buck, bolt, rear or vices. Middle of the herd and gets long with everyone! Scoop him up before I put more training on him. The more rides he gets the more his price goes up. Please PM to schedule to see him! Located 44460. 🥕’s in comments which is OBO

This all the way!!!!

This all the way!!!!

✨Resolutions for the Horse Show Competitor✨

🌟 Thou Shall Not Switch Training Programs After One Bad Run

- I know... you bought this magical unicorn that used to mark 75's like it was easy with its previous rider. You spent a lot of money. You're heading to your first show of the year and you are fixin' to mark a 78, dammit. You end up marking a 60. Your unicorn is now seemingly broken. Your trainer is looking out for you and doing their very best coaching you through runs with your limited skill set. One of the major keys to success is consistency, don't be a trainer hopper, stay the course unless you have a much more educated reason than "well I'm shoving my horse up the pen with my offside leg and for some reason my trainer is telling me to take my spurs off - they should be able to just FIX THAT, I paid a RIDICULOUS amount of money for these custom Kerry Kelley Bits & Spurs spurs and I LOVE them and will NOT take them off." We've all been there, if someone wants to send me a pair of Kerry Kelley's I probably wouldn't want to take them off either, heck I'd probably sleep in them, but maybe you should have invested in the clover-leafs, not the rock grinders.

🌟 Practice Gratitude In & Out of the Show Pen

- Be grateful for your horse, for the opportunity to show, for your friends that stay up late and cheer you on, for your family that supports you going up and down the road, for your trainer that has turned you from novice, to successful competitor, for your significant other that "forgets" that time you threw a bridle at them. Gratitude. It's really cool. Invest in it.

🌟 Hang Your Bridles Right

- I mean it, if you haven't learned how to do this yet, you need to lock yourself away in a tack room somewhere and don't come out until you know how.

🌟 Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals for the Show Season

- S: Specific
- M: Measurable
- A: Achievable
- R: Relevant
- T: Time-Bound

- It's proven that when you make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. and chunk them down by weeks, months or quarters so that they are more achievable than say "Only ever mark a 75 and win the World but never leave my home state/province"... you will get a whole lot farther, faster.

🌟 Don't Play The Comparison Game

- The minute you start to think to yourself something to the effect of: "well so-and-so only does well because her dad bought her that horse" or "well of course so-and-so is successful, she grew up in this sport" or "so-and-so works for a trainer, so of course she does well" or "well, if I was retired like so-and-so I would be able to do this easily too".... I have a really great trick for you. It's going to rock your world. Are you ready? I want you to find the nearest wall and bang your head against it five times. Why? Because that is the useless, hurtful and definitely odd motion that is equivalent to wasting your time comparing yourself to others. My words of advice... 1. Be happy for people in their winning season, you don't know what they've lost in their losing season. 2. If you are constantly getting beaten, sit down, re-evaluate and strategize how you can be the best competitor you can be with what you have in the moment. Whether that's ride more, go to the gym, watch more shows, take more lessons, whatever it is, start to strategize how you can be the best version of yourself. No comparison required.

🌟 Believe In Your Unicorn

- aka, have fun! Have a blast. Support the sport. Make new friends. Scare yourself by showing in new arenas. Get on your association board. Cry your eyes out when you mark your first 70, 73, 75. Celebrate your successes like you just won the friggen' world. Show everyone your new buckle. Wear your spurs to the grocery store. Take a clinic. Go to the Futurity. Go to the World Show and holler your guts out with your friends after a few cocktails (wait, who would do that? ...heathens) Either way, or anyway, or whatever way... the golden question is... Why essentially throw all this money into the air and stomp all over it, not to have the most friggen' fun you can have possible?

(reposted from Western Twist Media)


“How much do you charge for training?”

$900 for 30 RIDING days.

What you get.

Full board at a beautiful facility
•12x12 stall
•cleaned daily and stripped as needed
•hay bags of great quality grass hay in stalls
•daily turnout on grass (weather permitting)
•in stall fly system
•Grain am/pm
•blanket/fly sheet/fly mask as needed
•Arlo camera access to stall to check on your horse whenever you want

30 riding days
•worked 6 days a week
•fully groomed daily
•4 lessons the last two weeks of training
•updates on your horses progress
•freedom to come watch sessions as often as you please

What you DON’T see that you also get.

•Personalized program for your specific horse and their needs
• the time/effort spent to make your horse the best it can be while in my program
• time away from my family dedicated to your horse
•miles and maintenance on my truck/trailer to work your horse
•chiropractic care for myself to keep me working my best
•mental toll of working for the public
•possibility of being severely injured by these large animals

…..I love my job. I truly do!! Each horse is treated like my own. Any of my clients will tell you how I ride/treat their animals and them. I’m upfront and honest. I strive to bring out the best in your horse. I have soft hands but firm leg when needed. At the end of the day I take home very little after paying for everything. I don’t do it for the money. I do it for the love of horses and their owners. Sure you can find cheaper. But do you get the quality of care, use of facility and one on one dedication?

My price is my price. Unfortunately next year it’ll probably go up as the prices of everything go up.

I have one open slot right now. Message me if you want it filled. No c**t starts.

Piper had a good workout yesterday. She was full of sass but we worked through it and ended with a bath! Such a gorgeous...

Piper had a good workout yesterday. She was full of sass but we worked through it and ended with a bath! Such a gorgeous girl she is ♥️


I have two horses that need a new address. One is getting a tune up starting tomorrow, grade 13 yr old black gelding. The other is open show/youth quality, AQHA sorrel hunter gelding, needs confident intermediate rider. Would do great in a training program. Can send pictures of the AQHA, can get video as well. Pictures of the black gelding will come tomorrow!

Bringing my personal horse along quite well! I only have two lesson slots open currently!! I also have a training slot o...

Bringing my personal horse along quite well!

I only have two lesson slots open currently!! I also have a training slot open at this time. Sorry no c**t starts. I’ll work with the young ones and get them ready to ride. But I just don’t have the desire to actually start them. Message me for more info on training!

I will be hosting a horsemanship clinic at the end of June. Exact dates and more information to come in the next few days!!

Worked my personal horse today. She’s spending a month at CMA so I can put a solid 30 days of riding on her while our we...

Worked my personal horse today. She’s spending a month at CMA so I can put a solid 30 days of riding on her while our weather goes back and fourth. Big goals this year to meet!

The shirts have arrived! If you ordered one you should of been contacted today for pickup. I’ll be getting some differen...

The shirts have arrived! If you ordered one you should of been contacted today for pickup. I’ll be getting some different clothing items up soon. To include hoodies and team jackets!

Piper being the cutest. She had her first session with me where we used the snaffle. Got her softening up nicely.

Piper being the cutest. She had her first session with me where we used the snaffle. Got her softening up nicely.

That stride though 😁.

That stride though 😁.

Only 5 days left guys!!

Only 5 days left guys!!

So excited to finally launch shirts for DPH!! So many people have been wanting these. Let me know if people would like different color shirts. For now sticking with the basics.

Bri and Reba are the newest team with DPH and together. We are working on Bri and Reba learning each other and doing a b...

Bri and Reba are the newest team with DPH and together. We are working on Bri and Reba learning each other and doing a bit of retraining. Excited to see where this team goes!

Alexis and Dusty have been with DPH since October of 2021. I have seen this team grow and develop these last 5 months an...

Alexis and Dusty have been with DPH since October of 2021. I have seen this team grow and develop these last 5 months and I am so incredibly proud of how far they have come. From a horse that would rush through everything, to a horse that will collect up and work beautifully. Alexis has put in the work to get Dusty competitive in the all around!

Piper is a Mustang mare owned by Tonya (Owner of CMA Endurance LLC). I’m putting some time and rides on Piper to prepare...

Piper is a Mustang mare owned by Tonya (Owner of CMA Endurance LLC). I’m putting some time and rides on Piper to prepare her for life of an endurance horse. She’s a smart little lady and I’m so excited to see where she goes!

Shirts are now available for purchase!! I know a lot of you have been waiting for these. Here they are! Sporting our new...

Shirts are now available for purchase!! I know a lot of you have been waiting for these. Here they are! Sporting our new logo that has sweet Mandi on it. She’s been the foundation of my program so she deserves the spot. Eventually we will have more options. 🙂

So excited to finally launch shirts for DPH!! So many people have been wanting these. Let me know if people would like different color shirts. For now sticking with the basics.







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