✨unsedated dentistry✨ #thinkforwardequine #nothingisimpossible #fortheloveofthehorse
big or small, we balance them all! 🦄🤍
Mr bo getting his incisors done 🦷🦄 #unsedateddentistry #ootb
I would say, “welcome to my office” but in reality every day is different and I love my job for that very reason! Some days I’m able to low work from a chair, and other days I’m working from on top of a panel because my client is so tall! #unsedateddentistry #nothingsimpossible #thinkforwardfriday 🤍
I always get asked, “do you work on donkeys?” and the answer is OF COURSE! 🤍 and sometimes, I work on them from the comfort of my own chair when it’s their first dental ever, unsedated! 🥰
Az! One week till we’re looking at 50 horses over the course of three weeks! 🤍🦷
Unsedated Floating wolf tooth removal 🦷🦄
How awesome is this! One of my wonderful friends and clients has been working with two burros she trains in Tucson az! She has been working crazy hard with these two and it shows! These two guys had a scary introduction to people and have been learning people and their tools aren’t so bad since! Hopefully we can get their unsedated dentals done this March trip to az!
February is dental month! For my Louisiana and Mississippi clients I am running this deal for the whole month! 🤍🦷
Unsedated Dentistry for the win! This was this guys first unsedated dental, and he did great! Here I am using a “friendly float” to get his lingual points, I use this float first with no speculum to get the buccal and lingual points off first when doing a dental to introduce them to the sound and feeling of getting their teeth worked on! Please note a speculum is needed to perform a proper dental in majority of cases, and should only not be used under special circumstances! 🤍🦄🦷